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Daily global radiation \( G \) from extraterrestrial radiation \( G_{ext} \) and minimum and maximum temperature:
\[ G = 0.17 \cdot (T_{max} - T_{min})^{0.5} \cdot G_{ext} \]
If minimum and maximum temperature are not provided, the cloudiness attribute is used:
\[ G = (1 - cloudiness) \cdot G_{ext} \]
Subdaily global radiation \( g \): Hour of sunrise: \( hr_{sunrise} \) Hour of sunset: \( hr_{sunset} \) For \( hr_{sunrise} <= hr <= hr_{sunset} \)
\[ g = ((-cos(2.0 * \pi * (hr - hr_{rise}) / daylength) + 1.0) / daylength) * (24 * G); \]
Note: To calculate daily climate input from a sub-daily data source, use the arithmetic mean of the radiation values from all sub-daily time steps where radiation is greater than zero. Exclude any sub-daily time steps with zero radiation from this calculation.
\[ vps := f(T) \]
If vapour pressure deficit is given:
\[ rh = 100 \left( 1 - \frac{vpd}{vps} \right) \]
If vapour pressure deficit is not given, the following assumptions are made:
\[ vps := f(T) \]
If relative humidity is given:
\[ vpd = vps \left(1 - \frac{rh}{100} \right) \]
If relative humidity is not given, the following assumptions are made:
\begin{eqnarray*} vps_{min} := f(T_{min}) \\ vpd = vps - vps_{min} \end{eqnarray*}
If daily vpd is given, subdaily vpd is derived by:\begin{eqnarray*} vps_{daily} := f(T_{daily}) \\ vps_{subdaily} := f(T_{subdaily}) \\ vp_{daily} = vps_{daily} - vpd_{daily} \\ vpd_{subdaily} = vps_{subdaily} - vp_{daily} \end{eqnarray*}
Synthesizing climte follows an order reflecting dependencies among record items. Topological sorting is non-trivial due to varying dependencies.