![]() |
entity name | decription | unit |
dN_fertilizer | seasonal nitrogen application in form of different inorganic fertilizers | [kgNha-1] |
entity name | decription | unit |
dW_grain | dry weight of grain at harvest | [kgha-1] |
dW_above_ground | dry weight of above ground biomass at harvest | [kgha-1] |
dW_roots | dry weight of roots at harvest | [kgha-1] |
CN_grain | C:N ratio of grain at harvest | ratio |
N_grain_export | Nitrogen of grain exported after harvest | [KgNha-1] |
N_straw_export | Nitrogen of straw exported after harvest | [KgNha-1] |
entity name | decription | unit |
dN_manure | seasonal nitrogen application in form of manure | [kgCha-1] |
entity name | decription | unit |
crop_flag | no crop = 0, crop = 1 | - |
dvs | crop maturity (no crop = -1) | - |
dC_ch4_emis | Daily methane flux | [kgCha-1] |
dC_emis | Daily flux of CH4 and CO2 | [kgCha-1] |
dN_leach | Daily leaching of nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen | [kgNha-1] |
dN_n2o_emis | Daily nitrous oxide flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_n2_emis | Daily molecular nitrogen flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_out | Loss of reactive nitrogen due to leaching (NO3,NH4,DoN) and emission (N20, NO, N2, NH3) | [kgNha-1] |
dN_in | N input from deposition (NH4, NO3) and N2 fixation | [kgNha-1] |
dN_up | Daily nitrogen uptake by plants from the litter layer and mineral soil | [kgNha-1] |
AET | Daily sum of evaporation (soil, surface and from interception) and transpiration | [mm] |
transpiration | daily transpiration | [mm] |
wateruptake | water uptake from the soil | [mm] |
evap | Daily evaporation from soil and surface water (not from interception) | [mm] |
runoff | Daily lateral run-off | [mm] |
irri | Daily addition of irrigation water | [mm] |
soilwater | Total water in soil above wilting point | [mm] |
entity name | decription | unit |
soilwater | Total water in soil above wilting point | [mm] |
entity name | decription | unit |
dvs | fractional maturity | - |
planting_year | year of planting | - |
planting_day | day of year of planting | - |
anthesisday_from_planting | number of days after plarnting of flowering (anthesis) | - |
harvestday_from_planting | number of days after plarnting of harvesting | - |
dC_ch4_emis | Seasonal methane flux | [kgCha-1] |
dC_emis | Seasonal flux of CH4 and CO2 | [kgCha-1] |
dN_leach | Seasonal leaching of nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen | [kgNha-1] |
dN_n2o_emis | Seasonal nitrous oxide flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_n2_emis | Seasonal molecular nitrogen flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_out | Loss of reactive nitrogen due to leaching (NO3,NH4,DoN) and emission (N20, NO, N2, NH3) | [kgNha-1] |
dN_in | N input from deposition (NH4, NO3) and N2 fixation | [kgNha-1] |
dN_up | Seasonal nitrogen uptake by plants from the litter layer and mineral soil | [kgNha-1] |
AET | Seasonal sum of evaporation (soil, surface and from interception) and transpiration | [mm] |
transp | Seasonal transpiration | [mm] |
evap | Seasonal evaporation from soil and surface water (not from interception) | [mm] |
runoff | Seasonal lateral run-off | [mm] |
irri | Seasonal addition of irrigation water | [mm] |
entity name | decription | unit |
dN_n2_emis | Yearly N2 flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_nh3_emis | Yearly NH3 flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_n2o_emis | Yearly N2O flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_no_emis | Yearly NO flux | [kgNha-1] |
dN_no3_leach | Yearly leaching of NO3 | [kgNha-1] dN_don_leach | Yearly leaching of dissolved organic nitrogen | [kgNha-1] dN_nh4_leach | Yearly leaching of NH4 | [kgNha-1]
dN_harvest_export | Yearly N export via harvest (grain + exported straw + exported roots) | [kgNha-1]
dN_dep| N input from deposition (NH4, NO3) | [kgNha-1] dN_fix | Yearly nitrogen fixation by plants | [kgNha-1] dN_fert | Yearly nitrogen input via fertiliser and manure | [kgNha-1]
dN_up | Yearly nitrogen uptake by plants from the litter layer and mineral soil | [kgNha-1] dN_litter_above | Yearly return of N to soil from above-ground plant litter | [kgNha-1] dN_litter_below | Yearly return of N to soil from roots (decay and exudation) | [kgNha-1]
dC_co2_hetero_emis | Yearly flux of CO2 from heterotrophic respiration | [kgCha-1] dC_co2_auto_emis | Yearly flux of CO2 from autotrophic respiration associated with roots | [kgCha-1] dC_ch4_emis | Yearly methane flux | [kgCha-1]
dC_leach | Yearly leaching of DOC and CH4 out of soil | [kgCha-1]
dC_fert | Yearly carbon input via manure | [kgCha-1] dC_litter_above | Yearly addition of C to soil from above-ground plant litter | [kgCha-1] dC_litter_below | Yearly addition of C to soil from roots (decay and exudation) | [kgCha-1] dC_fix | Yearly fixation of C by algae | [kgCha-1]
throughf | Yearly throughfall (water that reaches surface of soil) | [mm] intercep | Yearly evaporation from interception | [mm] transp | Yearly transpiration | [mm] evap | Yearly evaporation from soil and surface water (not from interception) | [mm] runoff | Yearly lateral run-off | [mm] perc | Yearly percolation out of bottom soil layer | [mm] irri | Yearly addition of irrigation water | [mm]