Cutting event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- name
- height
- remains_relative
- remains_absolute
- remains_absolute_fruit
- remains_absolute_foliage
- remains_absolute_living_structural_tissue
- remains_absolute_dead_structural_tissue
- remains_absolute_root
- export_fruit
- export_foliage
- export_living_structural_tissue
- export_dead_structural_tissue
- export_root
- mulching
Fertilize event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- type
- location
- amount
- ni_amount
- ui_amount
- depth
Flooding event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- watertable
- bundheight
- percolationrate
- irrigationheight
- irrigationamount
- unlimitedwater
- saturationlevel
- soildepth
Grazing event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- type
- head_count
- grazing_hours
- remains_relative
- demandcarbon
- excretacarbon
- excretanitrogen
- urinefraction
Harvest event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- name
- height
- remains_relative
- remains_absolute
- export_stem_wood
- export_branch_wood
- export_root_wood
- mulching
Irrigation event
The following event attributes can be defined:
Manuring event
The following event attributes can be defined:
- type
- depth
- c
- cn
- availc
- availn
- ph
- volume
- nh4fraction
- no3fraction
- ureafraction
- donfraction
- cellulosefraction
- ligninfraction
Planting event
The following event attributes can be defined (vegetation type-specific):
- name (all)
- type (all)
- group (all)
- fractionalcover (all)
- initialbiomass (all)
- covercrop (crop, grass)
- seedbedduration (crop)
- seedlingnumber (crop)
- heightmax (grass, wood)
- heightmin (wood)
- rootingdepth (grass, wood)
- creductionfactor (wood)
- dbh (wood)
- treenumber (wood)
- treevolume (wood)
Thinning event
The following event attributes can be defined (vegetation type-specific):
- name (all)
- reduction_number
- reduction_volume
- export_stem_wood
- export_branch_wood
- export_root_wood
Tilling event
The following event attributes can be defined (vegetation type-specific):