![]() |
Site parameters are used for parametrisation of all kind of model processes.
Parameter | value | description |
root_water_uptake_couvreur | false | determines if Couvreur model is used for root water uptake |
wcdndc_have_capillary_action | false | on/off of capillary action |
amaxx | 1.309 | microbial death rate |
by_passf | 0 | Fraction of water infiltrating the soil that is distributed directly over the root profile in one day [day-1] |
crack_depth | 0 | Maximum depth of cracks [m] |
crack_fraction | 0 | Fraction of water that infiltrates via cracks [-] |
deconit_anvf1 | 5 | factor determining anaerobic volume fraction depending on water filled pore space |
deconit_anvf2 | 8 | factor determining anaerobic volume fraction depending on water filled pore space |
deconit_cdecfac | 0.3 | decomposition reduction for coniferous litter |
deconit_dfdeni | 0.001 | denitrifier fraction of total microbial biomass |
deconit_dfdenifrost | 0.0016 | denitrifier fraction of total microbial biomass during freeze thaw |
deconit_dk_lignin | 3 | exponential reduction factor of decomposition depending on lignin |
deconit_d_het | 0.008 | microbial death rate |
deconit_d_ngas | 0.7 | diffusion coefficient |
deconit_eff_doc | 0.4 | microbial efficiency of carbon assimilation |
deconit_eff_don | 0.001 | microbial efficiency of organic nitrogen assimilation |
deconit_eff_nh4 | 0.2 | microbial efficiency of ammonium assimilation |
deconit_eff_no2 | 0.01 | microbial efficiency of nitrite assimilation |
deconit_fn2o | 0.0001 | determines N2O production during nitrification |
deconit_fno2_den | 0.35 | determines NO2 production during denitrification |
deconit_fno | 0.01 | determines NO production during nitrification |
deconit_kchem | 1e-05 | rate constant for NO production during chemodenitrifcation |
deconit_km_n | 10 | rate constant for microbial nitrogen assimilation |
deconit_k_cell | 0.006 | decomposition constant for cellulose |
deconit_k_doc | 500 | rate constant for microbial carbon assimilation |
deconit_k_h | 0.0006 | decomposition constant for humus |
deconit_k_lignin | 0.006 | decomposition constant for lignin |
deconit_k_sol | 0.02 | decomposition constant for solutes |
deconit_leachf | 0.01 | retention coefficient for leaching |
deconit_mudec | 25 | optimum temperature for decomposition |
deconit_phmin_chem | 5 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
deconit_phopt_chem | 0.6 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
deconit_ph_fact_p5 | 3.75 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
deconit_tf_chem1 | 0.22 | factor determining temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
deconit_tf_chem2 | 0.043 | factor determining temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
deconit_tnorm | 293.2 | normalization temperature for diffusion |
deconit_tsigma | 13 | factor determining dependency of decomposition on temperature |
deconit_wfps_opt | 1 | factor determining dependency of decomposition on water filled pore space |
deconit_wshape | 2 | factor determining dependency of decomposition on water filled pore space |
denifrac | 0.7 | microbial denitrifier fraction |
diff_c | 0.25 | diffusion constant for carbon compounds between aerobic an anaerobic microsites |
diff_n | 0.5 | diffusion constant for nitrogen compounds between aerobic an anaerobic microsites |
dndc_kmm_c_denit | 0.017 | michaelis-menten constant for carbon dependency of denitrification |
dndc_kmm_c_mic | 0.00525 | michaelis-menten constant for carbon dependency of microbial growth |
dndc_kmm_nh4_nit | 8.84e-05 | michaelis-menten constant for NH4 dependency of nitrification |
dndc_kmm_no2_nit | 2.5e-06 | michaelis-menten constant for NO2 dependency of nitrification |
dndc_kmm_no3_transnh4 | 0.0001 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium |
dndc_kmm_n_denit | 0.083 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
dndc_kmm_n_mic | 0.001884 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of microbial growth |
dndc_kmm_o2_decomp | 0.3 | michaelis-menten constant for O2 dependency of decomposition |
d_n2o | 0.062 | reduction constant for N2O diffusion |
d_no | 0.073 | reduction constant for NO diffusion |
echy_evaporation_depth_limit_exponent | 1 | Exponent for depth dependency of soil-evaporation [-] |
echy_kmm_roots | 0.0005 | Michaelis-Menten constant for the influence of fineroots abundance on water uptake |
eef_controlled_release_lag_period | 15.11 | Lag period (days) for nitrogen release of applied controlled release fertilizer |
eef_controlled_release_q10 | 5.64 | Temperature coefficient for controlled release fertilizer |
eef_controlled_release_t80 | 63.37 | Duration (days) for 80% release of applied controlled release fertilizer |
eef_controlled_release_wfps_factor | 0.6 | Influence of water filled pore space on controlled release fertilizer [-] |
eef_maximum_nitrification_inhibition | 0.876 | Maximum reduction due to nitrification inhibitors |
eef_nitrification_inhibition_dilution | 2 | Parameter for dilution efficiency of nitrification inhibitor [-] |
eef_nitrification_inhibition_stability_1 | -2.75 | Parameter for decomposition of nitrification inhibitor [-] |
eef_nitrification_inhibition_stability_2 | 0.0045 | Parameter for decomposition of nitrification inhibitor [-] |
effac | 0.7 | fraction of decomposed carbon that goes to the dissolved organic carbon pool |
eff_n2o | 0.075 | microbial efficiency for N2O denitrification |
eff_no2 | 0.428 | microbial efficiency of nitrite assimilation |
eff_no3 | 0.401 | microbial efficiency for NO3 denitrification |
eff_no | 0.151 | microbial efficiency of nitrite assimilation |
evalim | 0.4 | Maximum depth of soil-evaporation [m] |
exp1_nx | 1.95 | factor accounting for soil porosity effect on nitrogen effective diffusion coefficient |
exp1_o2 | 1.75 | factor accounting for soil porosity effect on O2 effective diffusion coefficient |
exp2_nx | 1.5 | factor accounting for soil porosity effect on nitrogen effective diffusion coefficient |
exp2_o2 | 1.25 | factor accounting for soil porosity effect on O2 effective diffusion coefficient |
fclay1 | 0.14 | factor for clay dependency of humads decomposition process |
fclay2 | 2.3026 | factor for clay dependency of humads decomposition process |
fco2_1 | 1.21 | factor for CO2 production during humads decomposition process |
fco2_2 | 2.24 | factor for CO2 production during humads decomposition process |
fco2_3 | 2.3 | factor for CO2 production during humads decomposition process |
fco2_4 | 0.085 | factor for CO2 production during humads decomposition process |
fco2_hu | 0.8 | factor for CO2 production during humads decomposition process |
fdl | 0.5 | fraction of decomposed labile litter that is assimilated by microbes instantaniously |
fdr | 0.35 | fraction of decomposed recalcitrant litter that is assimilated by microbes instantaniously |
fdvl | 0.65 | fraction of decomposed very labile litter that is assimilated by microbes instantaniously |
fire_frac_blackcarbon | 0.03 | fraction of black carbon of burned total carbon |
fire_frac_nh4 | 0.5 | fraction of nh4 of burned total nitrogen |
fire_frac_no3 | 0.5 | fraction of no3 of burned total nitrogen |
fno3_u | 0.75 | factor steering NO3 availability for microbial assimilation |
fpercol | 0.9 | Fraction of seepage water allowed to leave the system at the bottom [-] |
frac_labile_c_beancake | 0.8 | fractions of liquid carbon in beancake manure |
frac_labile_c_compost | 0 | fractions of liquid carbon in compost manure |
frac_labile_c_farmyard | 0.02 | fractions of liquid carbon in farmyard manure |
frac_labile_c_slurry | 0.1 | fractions of liquid carbon in slurry manure |
frac_labile_n_beancake | 0.8 | fractions of liquid nitrogen in beancake manure |
frac_labile_n_compost | 0 | fractions of liquid nitrogen in compost manure |
frac_labile_n_farmyard | 0.4 | fractions of liquid nitrogen in farmyard manure |
frac_labile_n_slurry | 0.7 | fractions of liquid nitrogen in slurry manure |
frc | 0.05 | factor accounting for litter availability dependency on microbial death |
frcutr | 0 | Fraction of fine root that dies after cutting event |
frunoff | 0.25 | Fraction of surface water that is subject to lateral surface run-off within one day [day-1] |
ftrans | 0.005 | factor steering dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium |
groundwater_lateral_gradient | 0 | Lateral distance that has a groundwater level difference of 1 meter [m] |
groundwater_nutrient_renewal | 0 | Time needed for complete replenishment of groundwater nutrients, e.g., no3 [hr] |
groundwater_percolation | 1 | Fraction of soil water flux in the saturated zone (directly above the groundwater) that flows into the groundwater and leaves the simulated soil domain [-] |
impedance_par | 0 | reduction of hydraulic conductivity in presence of ice |
kchem | 8 | rate constant for NO production during chemodenitrifcation |
kcrb_l | 0.0925 | decomposition constant for labile inactive microbes |
kcrb_r | 0.00222 | decomposition constant for recalcitrant inactive microbes |
khdc_l | 0.00074 | decomposition constant for labile humads |
khdc_r | 0.00037 | decomposition constant for recalcitrant humads |
kice | 0.75 | ice dependency on effective diffusion coefficient |
klraw | 0.05 | decomposition constant for raw litter |
kn2o | 0.005 | reaction rate for N2O reductase |
knit | 1 | reaction rate for nitrification |
kno | 0.002 | reaction rate for NO reductase |
krch | 3.7e-06 | decomposition rate for humus pool |
krcl | 0.0185 | decomposition rate for labile carbon pool [1 / day] (Stange 2001) |
krcr | 0.0074 | decomposition rate for recalcitrant carbon pool [1 / day] (Stange 2001) |
krcvl | 0.0925 | decomposition rate for very labile carbon pool [1 / day] (Stange 2001) |
leftgrass | 200 | minimum amount of grass that needs to be remained after cutting event |
liqdon_compost | 0 | fraction of DON in organic fertilizer (compost manure) |
liqdon_farmyard | 0 | fraction of DON in organic fertilizer (farmyard manure) |
liqdon_slurry | 0.06 | fraction of DON in organic fertilizer (slurry manure) |
liqnh4_compost | 0.85 | fraction of NH4 in organic fertilizer (compost manure) |
liqnh4_farmyard | 0.85 | fraction of NH4 in organic fertilizer (farmyard manure) |
liqnh4_slurry | 0.71 | fraction of NH4 in organic fertilizer (slurry manure) |
liqno3_compost | 0 | fraction of NO3 in organic fertilizer (compost manure) |
liqno3_farmyard | 0 | fraction of NO3 in organic fertilizer (farmyard manure) |
liqno3_slurry | 0 | fraction of NO3 in organic fertilizer (slurry manure) |
liqurea_compost | 0.15 | fraction of UREA in organic fertilizer (compost manure) |
liqurea_farmyard | 0.15 | fraction of UREA in organic fertilizer (farmyard manure) |
liqurea_slurry | 0.23 | fraction of UREA in organic fertilizer (slurry manure) |
mcoeff | 0.0015 | maximum snow melting rate [m day-1 K-1] |
metrx_amax | 1 | maximum microbial death rate |
metrx_amax_algae | 0.05 | maximum decay rate of algae |
metrx_beta_litter_type | 2 | exponential factor for litter decomposition reduction depending on lignin concentration |
metrx_biosynth_eff | 0.7 | microbial nitrogen use efficiency |
metrx_cn_algae | 20 | C:N ratio of algae |
metrx_cn_frac_hum3 | 0 | C:N ratio fraction of humus 3 pool in relation to soil C:N ratio |
metrx_cn_mic_max | 12 | maximum allowed C:N ratio for microbes |
metrx_cn_mic_min | 4 | minimum allowed C:N ratio for microbes |
metrx_d_eff_reduction | 1 | reduction factor for gas diffusion |
metrx_fe_reduction | 0.4 | redox active fraction of total iron |
metrx_frac_fe_ch4_prod | 0.3 | fraction of iron that has to be reduced before CH4 is produced |
metrx_frac_mineral | 0.5 | fraction of decomposed nitrogen being mineralized |
metrx_f_ch4_oxidation_t_exp_1 | 4 | factor for temperature dependency of ch4 oxidation |
metrx_f_ch4_oxidation_t_exp_2 | 35 | factor for temperature dependency of ch4 oxidation |
metrx_f_ch4_production_ph_1 | 2 | factor for pH dependency of ch4 production |
metrx_f_ch4_production_ph_2 | 3.4 | factor for ph dependency of ch4 production |
metrx_f_ch4_production_ph_3 | 7 | factor for ph dependency of ch4 production |
metrx_f_ch4_production_t_exp_1 | 7 | factor for temperature dependency of ch4 production |
metrx_f_ch4_production_t_exp_2 | 35 | factor for temperature dependency of ch4 production |
metrx_f_chemodenit_ph_1 | 1.8 | factor for pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
metrx_f_chemodenit_ph_2 | 2.5 | factor for pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
metrx_f_chemodenit_t_1 | 50000000 | factor for temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
metrx_f_chemodenit_t_2 | 45000 | factor for temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
metrx_f_connectivity_1 | -1 | Factor for calculation of anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_f_connectivity_2 | 17 | Factor for calculation of anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_f_decomp_clay_1 | 0.45 | Factor for clay-dependent decomposition. This parameter signifies a threshold value for clay content approaching 100%, which is multiplicatively incorporated into the decomposition rate constant (0.0: maximum clay effect,no more decomposition at all; 1.0: minimum clay effect, no more clay dependency at all). |
metrx_f_decomp_clay_2 | 5 | Factor for clay-dependent decomposition determining the shape of the response curve |
metrx_f_decomp_m_weibull_1 | 0.6 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_decomp_m_weibull_2 | 9 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_decomp_ph_1 | 1.5 | factor for pH dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_decomp_ph_2 | 3 | factor for pH dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_decomp_t_exp_1 | 3.5 | factor for temperature dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_decomp_t_exp_2 | 35 | factor for temperature dependency of decomposition |
metrx_f_denit_m_weibull_1 | 0.85 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_denit_m_weibull_2 | 25 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_denit_n2o_ph_1 | 5 | factor determining ph dependency of denitrification of N2O to N2; factor represents ph with 50% reduction |
metrx_f_denit_n2o_ph_2 | 0.6 | factor determining ph dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_denit_n2_1 | 0.7 | factor determining minimum fraction of denitrified nitrogen converted to N2 in relation to METRX_F_DENIT_N2_2 |
metrx_f_denit_n2_2 | 0.85 | factor determining maximum fraction of denitrified nitrogen being converted to N2 |
metrx_f_denit_no | 14 | exponential factor determining how much denitrified nitrogen goes to NO |
metrx_f_denit_ph_1 | 4.3 | factor determining ph dependency of denitrification; factor represents ph with 50% reduction |
metrx_f_denit_ph_2 | 0.9 | factor determining ph dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_mic_m_weibull_1 | 0.6 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of microbial activity |
metrx_f_mic_m_weibull_2 | 9 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of microbial activity |
metrx_f_mic_t_exp_1 | 3.5 | factor for temperature dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_mic_t_exp_2 | 35 | factor for temperature dependency of denitrification |
metrx_f_nit_frac_mic | 0.35 | ration of aerobic microbes able to nitrify |
metrx_f_nit_max_mic | 0.2 | maximum allowed nitrification of NH4 |
metrx_f_nit_no_m_exp_1 | 8 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of no production during nitrification |
metrx_f_nit_no_m_exp_2 | 0.3 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of no production during nitrification |
metrx_f_nit_no_n2o_m_weibull_1 | 0.7 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of n2o production during nitrification |
metrx_f_nit_no_n2o_m_weibull_2 | 15 | factor for water filled pore space dependency of n2o production during nitrification |
metrx_f_nit_no_n2o_t_exp_1 | 0.033 | factor for temperature dependency of no production during nitrification |
metrx_f_nit_no_n2o_t_exp_2 | 8.9 | factor for temperature dependency of no production during nitrification |
metrx_f_n_algae | 0.5 | factor determining algae growth depending on nitrogen availability |
metrx_f_n_ch4_oxidation | 0.7 | factor determining CH4 oxidation depending on nitrogen availability |
metrx_f_pertubation_exp | 0.28 | exponential factor for vertical decline of diffusive mixing of soil organic matter due to, e.g., earthworm activity [m-1] |
metrx_f_pertubation_mix | 1e-05 | diffusive mixing factor for soil organic matter due to, e.g., earthworm activity [m2:d-1] |
metrx_f_ranvf_1 | 2 | Factor for calculation of relaxed anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_f_ranvf_2 | 7 | Factor for calculation of relaxed anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_f_sanvf_1 | 2 | Factor for calculation of strict anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_f_sanvf_2 | 7 | Factor for calculation of strict anaerobic soil volume |
metrx_ka_c_mic | 1000 | Factor for carbon dependency of microbial death |
metrx_kf_nit_no_n2o | 0.007 | maximum fraction of nitrified NH4 that goes to NO |
metrx_kmm_ac_ch4_prod | 0.006144 | Michaelis-Menten factor for acetate dependency of CH4 production |
metrx_kmm_ac_fe_red | 0.006 | Michaelis-Menten factor for acetate dependency of iron reduction |
metrx_kmm_ch4_ch4_ox | 0.1 | Michaelis-Menten factor for CH4 dependency of CH4 oxidation |
metrx_kmm_c_denit | 0.005 | Michaelis-Menten factor for carbon dependency of denitrification |
metrx_kmm_c_mic | 0.007 | Michaelis-Menten factor for carbon dependency of microbial growth |
metrx_kmm_h2_ch4_prod | 2.66e-05 | Michaelis-Menten factor for H2 dependency of CH4 production |
metrx_kmm_h2_ferm | 5e-06 | Michaelis-Menten factor for H2 dependency of fermentation |
metrx_kmm_h2_fe_red | 4e-07 | Michaelis-Menten factor for H2 dependency of iron reduction |
metrx_kmm_nh4_nit | 0.001 | Michaelis-Menten factor for NH4 dependency of nitrification |
metrx_kmm_no2_nit | 5e-05 | Michaelis-Menten factor for NO2 dependency of nitrification |
metrx_kmm_n_algae | 0.01 | Michaelis-Menten factor for nitrogen dependency algae growth |
metrx_kmm_n_ch4_ox | 0.001 | Michaelis-Menten factor for nitrogen dependency of CH4 oxidation |
metrx_kmm_n_denit | 0.002 | Michaelis-Menten factor for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
metrx_kmm_n_mic | 0.001 | Michaelis-Menten factor for nitrogen dependency of microbial growth |
metrx_kmm_o2_ch4_ox | 0.0005 | Michaelis-Menten factor for O2 dependency of CH4 oxidation |
metrx_kmm_o2_fe_ox | 0.01 | Michaelis-Menten factor for O2 dependency of iron oxidation |
metrx_kmm_o2_nit | 0.01 | Michaelis-Menten factor for O2 dependency of nitrification |
metrx_kmm_ph_increase_from_urea | 0.00015 | Michaelis-Menten factor for pH increase after urea hydrolysis |
metrx_kr_anvf_diff_gas | 10 | rate constant of gaseous diffusion between aerobic and anaerobic soil volumes |
metrx_kr_anvf_diff_liq | 1 | rate constant of liquid diffusion between aerobic and anaerobic soil volumes |
metrx_kr_dc_aorg | 0.01 | decomposition constant of active organic soil |
metrx_kr_dc_cel | 0.1 | decomposition constant of cellulose |
metrx_kr_dc_hum1 | 0.0063 | decomposition constant of labile humus |
metrx_kr_dc_hum2 | 0.0012 | decomposition constant of recalcitrant young humus |
metrx_kr_dc_hum3 | 2.5e-05 | decomposition constant of recalcitrant old humus |
metrx_kr_dc_lig | 0.01 | decomposition constant of lignin |
metrx_kr_dc_sol | 0.4 | decomposition constant of solutes |
metrx_kr_denit_chemo | 12 | rate constant for chemodenitrification of nitrite to nitric oxide |
metrx_kr_frag_algae | 0.1 | fragmentation constant of algae |
metrx_kr_frag_raw_litter | 0.01 | fragmentation constant of raw litter |
metrx_kr_frag_stubble | 0.001 | fragmentation constant of stubble |
metrx_kr_frag_wood | 0.00025 | fragmentation constant of wood |
metrx_kr_hu_aorg_hum1 | 0.01 | rate constant for humification of active organic material to labile humus |
metrx_kr_hu_aorg_hum2 | 0.01 | rate constant for humification of active organic material to recalcitrant young humus |
metrx_kr_hu_cel | 0.001 | rate constant for humification of cellulose to labile humus |
metrx_kr_hu_hum1 | 7e-05 | rate constant for humification of labile humus to recalcitrant young humus |
metrx_kr_hu_hum2 | 1e-05 | rate constant for humification of recalcitrant young humus to recalcitrant old humus |
metrx_kr_hu_lig | 0.015 | rate constant for humification of lignin |
metrx_kr_hu_sol | 0.001 | rate constant for humification of solutes to labile humus |
metrx_kr_ox_fe | 0.3 | rate constant of iron oxidation |
metrx_kr_reduction_anvf | 0.125 | decomposition reduction due anaerobicity |
metrx_kr_reduction_cn | 0.005 | decomposition reduction due to C:N ratio |
metrx_kr_reduction_coniferous | 0.4 | decomposition reduction for coniferous litter |
metrx_kr_ureahydrolysis | 0.02 | rate constant for urea hydrolysis |
metrx_k_fe_fe_red | 6.16 | factor for iron availability dependency of iron reduction |
metrx_k_o2_ch4_prod | 100 | factor for O2 dependency of CH4 production |
metrx_k_o2_fe_red | 978 | factor for O2 dependency of iron reduction |
metrx_lig_humification | 0.35 | factor determining split of humified lignin between labile humus and recalcitrant young humus |
metrx_mic_eff_aerobic_respiration | 0.85 | Microbial carbon use efficiency of aerobic respiration |
metrx_mic_eff_anaerobic_respiration | 0.5 | Microbial carbon use efficiency of denitrifcation |
metrx_mic_eff_methane_oxidation | 0.264 | Microbial carbon use efficiency of methane oxidation |
metrx_muemax_c_algae | 6e-07 | growth rate constant for algae growth |
metrx_muemax_c_ch4_ox | 0.3 | growth rate of methane oxidation microbes |
metrx_muemax_c_ch4_prod | 0.014 | growth rate of methanogenic microbes |
metrx_muemax_c_denit | 0.5 | growth rate of denitrifying microbes |
metrx_muemax_c_ferm | 1 | growth rate of fermenting microbes |
metrx_muemax_c_fe_red | 0.1 | rate of iron reduction |
metrx_muemax_c_mic | 5 | growth rate of nitrifying microbes |
metrx_muemax_h2_ch4_prod | 0.0014 | rate of methane production via H2 |
metrx_muemax_n_assi | 10 | maximum rate of nitrogen assimilation |
metrx_ret_humus | 1e-06 | retention factor for humus leaching |
metrx_ret_litter | 0.01 | retention factor for litter leaching |
metrx_ret_microbes | 0.1 | retention factor for microbes leaching |
metrx_till_stimulation_1 | 1.5 | stimulation factor of decomposition after tilling event |
metrx_till_stimulation_2 | 0.02 | factor determining the time period of stimulation after tilling event () |
metrx_v_ebullition | 5 | speed constant for ebullition |
micrresp | 0.08 | factor determining microbial respiration |
mn2o | 0.079 | microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of N2O |
mno2 | 0.035 | microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO2 |
mno3 | 0.09 | microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO3 |
mno | 0.079 | microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO |
muemax | 4.873 | growth rate constant for algae growth |
mue_n2o | 0.34 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on N2O |
mue_no2 | 0.67 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO2 |
mue_no3 | 0.67 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO3 |
mue_no | 0.34 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO |
m_fact_dec1 | 0.595 | factor determining dependency of decomposition on water filled pore space |
m_fact_dec2 | 8 | factor determining dependency of decomposition on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p1 | 0.45 | factor determining dependency of nitrification on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p2 | 40 | factor determining dependency of nitrification on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p3 | 0.55 | factor determining dependency of N2O production during nitrification on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p4 | 5 | factor determining dependency of N2O production during nitrification on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p5 | 0.225 | factor determining dependency of microbial activity on water filled pore space |
m_fact_p6 | 10 | factor determining dependency of microbial activity on water filled pore space |
nh4_denimax | 0.8 | maximum nitrification fraction of NH4 |
pertl | 0.0005 | downward transport of labile litter |
pertmax | 0.3 | limit depth for litter transport [m] |
pertr | 0.0001 | downward transport of recalcitrant litter |
pertvl | 0.01 | downward transport of very labile litter |
phcrit_n2o | 5 | factor for pH dependency of N2O denitrification |
phcrit_no2 | 6.1 | factor for pH dependency of NO2 denitrification |
phcrit_no3 | 6.3 | factor for pH dependency of NO3 denitrification |
phdelta_n2o | 0.615 | factor for pH dependency of N2O denitrification |
phdelta_no2 | 1.44 | factor for pH dependency of NO2 denitrification |
phdelta_no3 | 1.52 | factor for pH dependency of NO3 denitrification |
phmax | 10 | maximum allowed pH value |
phmin | 2.5 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
phmin_chem | 5 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
phopt_chem | 0.6 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
ph_fact_p2 | 1.3 | factor for pH dependency of nitrification |
ph_fact_p3 | 0.08 | factor for pH dependency of nitrification |
ph_fact_p4 | 1 | factor for pH dependency of N2O production during nitrification |
ph_fact_p5 | 3.75 | factor determining pH dependency of chemodenitrification |
psl_sc | 0.02 | empirical decrease of hydraulic conductivity of coarse discretized soil layers |
psl_wc | 0.02 | base layer depth for evaporation decrease with depth [m] |
pt_alpha | 1.1 | Priestley-Taylor coefficient of advection |
rbo | 0.2 | fraction of black carbon of burned total carbon |
rcec | 46 | factor determining CO2 production during decomposition |
rclay | 0.3 | factor determining clay dependency of soil water evaporation |
rcnb | 8 | C:N ratio of inactive microbes in active organic material pool |
rcnh | 12 | C:N ratio of humads in active organic material pool |
rcnm | 9.8 | c/n ratio of humus |
rcnrr | 240 | c/n ratio of resistant residues |
rcnrvl | 24 | c/n ratio of very labile residues |
retdoc | 0.1 | retention coefficient of DOC leaching |
retnh4 | 0.1 | retention coefficient of NH4 leaching |
retno3 | 0.8 | retention coefficient of NO3 leaching |
retso4 | 0.1 | retention coefficient of SO4 leaching |
root_dependent_trans | 0 | increases dependence of transpiration on roots |
shr | 0.16 | fraction of labile humads |
slope_clayf | 0.0645 | factor determining clay dependency of soil water evaporation |
slope_ff | 1 | specific slope factor for water flux from litter layers |
slope_ms | 2.5 | specific slope factor for water flux from mineral soil |
snowdndc_snowfall_temperature_limit | 0 | temperature limit for snowfall |
soildndc_growth_n2o_denit | 3.4 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on N2O |
soildndc_growth_no2_denit | 0.67 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO2 |
soildndc_growth_no3_denit | 0.67 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO3 |
soildndc_growth_no_denit | 5.4 | microbial growth rate for denitrification on NO |
soildndc_kmm_n2o_denit | 0.002075 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
soildndc_kmm_no2_denit | 0.0415 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
soildndc_kmm_no3_denit | 0.0415 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
soildndc_kmm_no_denit | 0.0002075 | michaelis-menten constant for nitrogen dependency of denitrification |
soildndc_maintenance_n2o_denit | 0.79 | Microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of N2O |
soildndc_maintenance_no2_denit | 0.035 | Microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO2 |
soildndc_maintenance_no3_denit | 0.09 | Microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO3 |
soildndc_maintenance_no_denit | 0.79 | Microbial maintenance coefficient for denitrification of NO |
srb | 0.9 | fraction of labile inactive microbes |
succession_height_tree_init | 0.3 | initial tree height during succession |
succession_interval_l | 25 | generation time in years for succession |
succession_interval_s | 5 | years for regrowth of young tree during succession |
succession_n_tree_init | 200 | new trees planted during succession |
texp | 1.724 | temperature dependency of diffusion between aerobic and anaerobic soil |
tfday | 30 | factor determining length of tilling effect on decomposition |
tfmax | 3 | factor determining tilling intensity dependency on tilling depth |
tf_chem1 | 0.1 | factor determining temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
tf_chem2 | 0.13 | factor determining temperature dependency of chemodenitrification |
tf_dec1 | 3.54 | temperature dependency of decomposition |
tf_dec2 | 37 | temperature dependency of decomposition |
tf_den1 | 4 | temperature dependency of denitrification |
tf_den2 | 40 | temperature dependency of denitrification |
tf_nup_n2o1 | 0.0551 | temperature dependency of N2O production during nitrification |
tf_nup_n2o2 | 9.41 | temperature dependency of N2O production during nitrification |
tf_nup_no1 | 0.02375 | temperature dependency of NO production during nitrification |
tf_nup_no2 | 8.9 | temperature dependency of NO production during nitrification |
tice | 3 | empirical coefficient to derive ice temperature |
tref | 45 | reference temperature for NH3 volatilization |
wcdndc_evalim_frac_wcmin | 1 | fraction of wilting point which determines minimum water content of soil water evaporation |
wcdndc_increase_pot_evapotrans | 1 | increases / decreases potential evapotranspiration |