Parameter | value | description |
a_exp | 0.0 | exponential parameter for non-stomatal limitation function (TUZET function) |
a_ref | -1.0 | reference drought stress parameter for non-stomatal limitation (TUZET function) |
aeis | 0.0 | activation energy for isoprenoid emission (J mol-1) |
aejm | 45000.0 | activation energy for electron transport (J mol-1) |
aekc | 59356.0 | activation energy for Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 (J mol-1) |
aeko | 35948.0 | activation energy for Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 (J mol-1) |
aerd | 66405.0 | activation energy for dark respiration (J mol-1) |
aevc | 58520.0 | activation energy for photosynthesis (J mol-1) |
aevo | 37530.0 | activation energy for RubP oxygenation (J mol-1) |
alb | 0.2 | light reflection (albedo) |
alpha0_is | 0.0 | increase of isoprene emission activity per wheighted temperature unit (s-1) |
alpha0_mt | 0.0 | increase of monoterpene emission activity per wheighted temperature unit (s-1) |
amaxa | 5.3 | intercept-coefficient for Amax calculation (nmolCO2 g-1 s-1 / N) |
amaxb | 21.5 | maximal net photosynthesis rate (nmolCO2 g-1 s-1 / N) |
amaxfrac | 0.76 | daily Amax as fraction of instantaneous early-morning Amax |
basefolrespfrac | 0.1 | dark respiration as fraction of Amax |
c4_type | False | true for C4 photosynthesis type, false for C3 photosynthesis type |
cb | 0.5 | if setup option crownlength is set to height, using crown base height - tree height ratio |
cdamp | 1.5 | canopy temperature damping factor |
cl_p1 | 2.15 | if setup option crownlength is set to height, using first parameter for crown length calculation |
cl_p2 | 0.9 | if setup option crownlength is set to height, using second parameter for crown length calculation |
cdr_p1 | 0.0 | first parameter for crown diameter calculation |
cdr_p2 | 0.0 | second parameter for crown diameter calculation |
cdr_p3 | 0.0 | third parameter for crown diameter calculation |
cellulose | 0.5 | cellulose content in biomass |
cfcropt | 0.0 | optimal ratio between fungi biomass and total mycorrhiza biomass |
chill_units | 0.0 | required chilling units vernalization |
chill_temp_max | 8.0 | maximum temperature for chilling progress |
coniferous | False | true for conifers, false for broad leaved species |
csr_ref | -2.0 | soil water potential at which soil-root connection is lost (MPa) |
ct_is | 32.86 | scaling constant for temperature sensitivity of isoprene synthase. |
ct_mt | 32.86 | scaling constant for temperature sensitivity. |
cwp_ref | 0.01 | reference (=maximum) value for the (leaf area-normalized) specific xylem conductance (mol MPa-1 m-2Leaf s-1) |
deciduous | False | true for deciduous, false for evergreen species |
dbranch | 0.2 | branch dry weight mass per canopy volume (kg:m^-3) |
df_exp | 0.4 | Exponent for density effect on tree growth (-) |
df_limit | 5000.0 | Area cover at which trees start feeling density effects (m2:ha) |
dfol | 1.0 | relative fraction of the PLC curve, at which the water potential is at air entry point (0-1) |
dfrtopt | 0.1 | optimum fine root density (kgDW:m-3soil) |
diammax | 0.4 | breast height diameter at maturity (m) |
dleafshed | 300 | total leaf longevity from the first day of the emergend year on |
doc_resp_ratio | 0.5 | ratio of root exudates related to root growth respiration |
dragc | 0.03 | drag coefficient for wind speed approximation in canopy |
ds_is | 887.5 | entropy term for isoprene synthase sensitivity to temperature (J:mol-1:K-1) |
ds_mt | 887.5 | entropy term for GDP synthase sensitivity to temperature (J:mol-1:K-1) |
dsap | 0.45 | wood density (kg DW:dm FW-3) |
dvpd1 | 0.05 | first parameter for vapor pressure deficit - impact on stomata conductance |
dvpd2 | 2.0 | second parameter for vapor pressure deficit - impact on stomata conductance |
ef_iso | 0.0 | isoprene emission rate under standard conditions (ug gDW-1 h-1) |
ef_mono | 0.0 | monoterpene emission rate under standard conditions (ug gDW-1 h-1) |
ef_monos | 0.0 | emission rate of stored terpenes under standard conditions (ug gDW-1 h-1) |
ef_ovoc | 1.5 | emission rate of other VOCs under standard conditions (ug gDW-1 h-1) |
exp_root_distribution | 0.0 | exponential factor for plant root distribution |
expl_nh4 | 0.01 | relative exploration rate of NH4 |
expl_no3 | 0.01 | relative exploration rate of NO3 |
ext | 0.56 | light extinction (attenuation) coefficient for photosynthetic active radiation |
fage | 1.0 | relative decrease of emission synthesis per foliage age class |
fbraf_m | 0.0 | final branchwood fraction of mature trees (kg DW:kg DW-1) |
fbraf_y | 0.0 | final branchwood fraction of seedlings (kg DW:kg DW-1) |
ffacmax | 0.2 | maximum relativ amount of free available carbohydrates |
fire_barka | 0.0347 | bark thickness parameter 1 |
fire_barkb | 0.1086 | bark thickness parameter 2 |
fire_densfuel | 22.0 | fuel bulk density [kg:m-3] |
fire_em_ch4 | 4.8 | fire emission factor for CH4 per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_co | 106.0 | fire emission factor for CO per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_co2 | 1568.0 | fire emission factor for CO2 per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_n2 | 1.6 | fire emission factor for N2 per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_n2o | 1.6 | fire emission factor for N2O per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_nox | 3.24 | fire emission factor for nox per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_tpm | 17.6 | fire emission factor for TPM per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_em_voc | 5.7 | fire emission factor for VOC per biomass [kg:kg-1] |
fire_fireresist | 0.1 | fire resistance parameter |
fire_flame | 0.094 | scorch height parameter |
fire_p | 3.0 | crown damage parameter 2 |
fire_rck | 0.95 | crown damage parameter 1 |
folrelgromax | 0.1 | maximum relative recovery rate for foliage reserve storage |
fraction_root_start | -1.0 | biomass fraction of roots at start of growing season |
fraction_root | 0.5 | biomass fraction of roots at maturity |
fraction_fruit | 0.0 | biomass fraction of fruit at maturity |
fraction_foliage | 0.4 | biomass fraction of foliage at maturity |
freegrowth | False | true for dimensional growth once a year (during a defined period) and false for continous growth |
fret_n | 0.54 | maximum fraction of nitrogen retranslocated before tissue loss |
frosta | 0.0 | frost effect on photosynthesis: species specific minimum temperature in stationary level equation (oC) for Eucalypt {king:1998a} |
frostb | 0.0 | frost effect on photosynthesis: species specific constant in stationary level equation for Eucalypt {king:1998a} |
frtalloc_base | 0.0 | relative share of foliage growth to root growth |
frtalloc_rel | 2.0 | fixed amount of carbon allocated to root growth |
frtloss_scale | 4.0 | scaling factor for fine root loss |
frtmassinit | 50.0 | fine root biomass for which KRSINIT and KRSCOMP are initialised |
fyield | 0.25 | fraction of growth respiration relative to gross assimilation |
gdd_base_temperature | 0.0 | base tempeature for growing degree days |
gdd_max_temperature | 40.0 | maximum daily increase of growing degree days |
gdd_emergence | 10.0 | growing degree days until begin of emergence (dry seed -> emergence) |
gdd_stem_elongation | 0.0 | growing degree days until begin of stem elongation |
gdd_flowering | 0.0 | growing degree days until begin of flowering |
gdd_grain_filling | -1.0 | growing degree days until begin of grain filling |
gdd_roots_grown | 1400 | growing degree days until downwards root growth ceases |
gdd_maturity | -1.0 | growing degree days until maturity |
gddfolend | 1100.0 | growing degree days to complete foliar production |
gddfolstart | 150.0 | minimum temperature sum for foliage activity onset (oC) |
gddwodend | 1100.0 | growing degree days to complete wood production |
gddwodstart | 250.0 | growing degree days to start wood production |
ggdps_b | 0.000437 | base value for vmax for GGDP synthesis at 30 oC (umol L-1 s-1) |
gsmax | 234.0 | maximum stomata conductivity (mmolH2O m-2 s-1) |
gsmin | 10.4 | minimum stomata conductivity (mmolH2O m-2 s-1) |
gzrtz | 0.01 | growth rate of fine root into deeper soil layers (m day-1) |
h2oref_a | 0.7 | relative available soil water content at which drought affects photosynthesis activity (only PNET, PLAMOX, DNDC) |
h2oref_flushing | 0.0 | relative available soil water content below which flushing is affected by water availability |
h2oref_leaf_growth | 0.0 | relative available soil water content below which leaf growth is affected |
h2oref_gs | 0.33 | relative available soil water content at which stomata are fully closed |
h2oref_senescence | 0.0 | relative available soil water content below which restricted water availability triggers plant senescence |
ha_is | 83129 | activation energy for isoprene synthase (J mol-1) |
ha_mt | 83129 | activation energy for GDP synthase (J mol-1) |
halfsat | 200.0 | half saturation light intensity (umoles m-2 s-1) |
hd_is | 284600.0 | deactivation energy for isoprene synthase (J mol-1) |
hd_mt | 284600.0 | deactivation energy for monoterpene synthase (J mol-1) |
hdj | 200000.0 | deactivation energy (for electron transport processes) (J mol-1) |
hd_exp | 6.0 | parameter for estimation of height:diameter ratio of stems |
hd_max | 120.0 | maximum height to breast height diameter ratio (m m-1) |
hd_min | 50.0 | minimum height to breast height diameter ratio (m m-1) |
href | 2.6 | canopy depth where full foliage is developed |
height_max | 2.0 | Envisaged Maximum plant height of crops and grass (m) |
hleafcrit | 0.0 | negative maximum leaf hydraulic head NO3 |
hypoxia | 0.4 | hypoxia effect on photosynthesis |
ini_n_fix | 0.0 | factor determining nitrogen fixation |
kc25 | 460.0 | Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 at 25oC (umol mol-1, ubar-1) |
km20 | 0.1 | maintenance coefficient at reference temperature |
km_gdps_dmadp | 0.0 | KM for GDP synthesis from DMADP (umol L-1) |
km_gdps_idp | 0.0 | KM for GDP synthesis from IDP (umol L-1) |
km_is | 0.0 | KM for isoprene synthesis from DMADP (umol L-1) |
km_mt | 0.0 | KM for monoterpene synthesis from GDP(umol L-1) |
k_mm_nitrogen_uptake | 0.0002 | Michaelis-Menten constant for nitrogen uptake (kg:m^-3) |
ko25 | 330.0 | Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 at 25oC (mmol mol-1, mbar-1) |
krc_wood | 0.00025 | decomposition rate of wood |
kcompinit | 0.0 | compensatory hydraulic conductivity of the root system NO3 |
krscomp | 0.0 | compensatory hydraulic conductivity of the root system |
krsinit | 0.0 | initial hydraulic conductivity of the root system |
lignin | 0.27 | lignin fraction of biomass |
maintenance_temp_ref | 25.0 | reference temperature for maintenance respiration |
mc_leaf | 0.03 | Maintenance respiration coefficient of leaves |
mc_root | 0.01 | Maintenance respiration coefficient of roots |
mc_stem | 0.015 | Maintenance respiration coefficient of stems |
mc_storage | 0.001 | Maintenance respiration coefficient of storage organs |
mfolopt | 0.25 | foliage biomass under optimal, closed canopy condition (kg m-2) |
m_fruit_opt | 0.0 | maximum achievable fruit dry weight biomass under optimal, closed canopy condition (kg m-2) |
mortcrowd | 2.0 | crowding mortality (yr-1) |
mortnorm | 0.002 | normal tree mortality (yr-1) |
mue_is | 0.175 | percentage decrease of isoprene emission activity per day (s-1) |
mue_mt | 0.175 | percentage decrease of monoterpene emission activity per day (s-1) |
mwfm | 0.0005 | specific interception capacity of foliage (m m-2LAI) |
mwwm | 1e-09 | specific interception capacity of wood mass (m kg-1DW) |
n_def_factor | 2.0 | factor defines nitrogen deficiency |
n_demand_reprod | 5.0 | empirical reproductive nitrogen demand multiplier |
n_demand_veg | 5.0 | empirical vegetative nitrogen demand multiplier |
nc_foliage_max | 0.02 | optimum nitrogen concentration of foliage (kg kg-1) |
nc_foliage_min | 0.002 | minimum nitrogen concentration of foliage (kg kg-1) |
nc_fineroots_max | 0.01 | maximum (optimum) nitrogen concentration of fine roots (kg kg-1) |
nc_fineroots_min | 0.01 | minimum nitrogen concentration of fine roots (kg kg-1) |
nc_fruit_max | 0.018 | maximum (optimum) nitrogen concentration of fruit (kg kg-1) |
nc_fruit_min | 0.018 | minimum nitrogen concentration of fruit (kg kg-1) |
ncfolopt | 0.02 | optimum nitrogen concentration of foliage (kg kg-1) |
ncsapopt | 0.001 | optimum nitrogen concentration of sapwood (kg kg-1) |
nc_structural_tissue_max | 0.009 | optimum nitrogen concentration of living structural tissue (kg kg-1) |
nc_structural_tissue_min | 0.009 | minimum nitrogen concentration of living structural tissue (kg kg-1) |
ndflush | 40 | time interval necessary to complete growth of new foliage |
ndmorta | 40 | time interval necessary to complete litterfall of foliage |
nfix_ceff | 5.0 | carbon use efficiency for nitrogen fixation |
nfix_tmax | 44.0 | maximum temperature for nitrogen fixation |
nfix_tmin | 5.0 | minimum temperature for nitrogen fixation |
nfix_topt | 35.0 | optimum temperature for nitrogen fixation |
nfix_w | -6.0 | parameter m for water dependency of nitrogen fixation after {sinclair:1986a} |
nfix_rate | 0.0 | potential nitrogen fixation rate per plant dry matter tissue and day (kg N kg-1 DM-1 d-1) |
pa | 0.0 | Factor to normalize arrhenius term to 1 for 30oC (-) |
pexs | 0.0 | fraction of root growth that goes into exsudation |
pfl | 1.2 | distribution parameter for foliage biomass |
psi_exp | 5.3 | exponent for conductivity loss function (unitless) |
psi_ref | -3.2 | reference xylem pressure for conductivity loss calculations (MPa) |
psl | 1.0 | distribution parameter for fine root biomass |
psntfrost | -30.0 | temperature at which photosynthesis enzymes start to decline (oC) |
psntmax | 46.0 | maximum daytime temperature for photosynthesis (oC) |
psntmin | 2.0 | minimum daytime temperature for photosynthesis (oC) |
psntopt | 24.0 | reference temperature for respiration (oC) |
photoperiodism | 0.0 | critical photoperiod for plant activity (hours per day) |
qhrd | 0.4 | maximum rooting depth relative to plant height |
qjvc | 1.97 | relation between maximum electron transport rate and RubP saturated rate of carboxylation (–) |
qrd25 | 0.0125 | relation between dark respiration rate and RubP saturated rate of carboxylation at 25 oC (umol m-2 s-1) |
qrf | 1.0 | ratio between fine root- and foliage biomass under standard conditions |
qsf_p1 | 4.0 | independent fraction of sapwood area to leaf area ratio |
qsf_p2 | 0.0 | height dependent fraction of sapwood area to leaf area ratio |
qvovc | 0.21 | relation between RubP saturated rate of oxygenation and carboxylation |
qwodfolmin | 1.25 | minimum ratio of carbon allocation to wood and foliage |
ratoon | False | true for ratoon plants |
rbuddem | 1.0 | relative increase factor for allocation demand of buds |
redistribution_root | 0.01 | amount of root biomass that is redistributed within the rootsystem daily after germination in the dynamic root model |
resp | 70.0 | factor determining plant respiration |
respq10 | 2.0 | Q10 for leaf respiration |
rootmrespfrac | 1.0 | ratio of fine root maintenance respiration to biomass production |
roots_environmental | False | if true than a root development taking environmental circumstances into account is applied |
rpmin | 6.25 | mean minimum plant resistance [MPa m2 s mmol-1] |
rs_conduct | 0.0 | aerenchyme conductivity |
savanna | False | true for savanna plants |
scale_i | 1.0 | scaling factor to convert isoprene activity into standard emission factor for isoprene |
scale_m | 1.0 | scaling factor to convert monoterpene activity into standard emission factor for monoterpenes |
sdj | 646.2 | electron transport temperature response parameter |
senescence_age | 0.0 | maximum percentage of living biomass being subject to senescence due to age (tissue turnover) (%:d^-1). |
senescence_drought | 0.0 | maximum percentage of living biomass being subject to senescence due to drought stress (%:d^-1). |
senescstart | 270 | day of year when leaf senescence occurs (d) (only PNET) |
senescence_heat | 0.0 | maximum percentage of living biomass being subject to senescence due to heat stress (%:d^-1). |
senescence_frost | 0.0 | maximum percentage of living biomass being subject to senescence due to frost stress (%:d^-1). |
senescence_water | 0.0 | maximum percentage of living biomass being subject to senescence due to water stress (%:d^-1). |
sladecline | 0.0 | decline of specific leaf area with crop age |
slamax | 8.0 | specific leaf area in the shade (m2 kgDW-1) |
slamin | 5.6 | specific leaf area under full light (m2 kgDW-1) |
slope_gsa | 10.4 | slope of foliage conductivity in response to assimilation in BERRY-BALL model |
slope_gsco2 | 1.0 | slope of stomata conductivity in response to CO2 |
slope_gsh2o | 3.3 | slope of foliage conductivity in response to relative available soil water content |
slope_nc | 1.0 | slope for rubisco activity depending foliage nitrogen concentration |
srlmax | 70000 | specific root length at the bottom of the root system (m kg-1) |
srlmin | 5000 | specific root length at the bottom of the root system at maturity (m kg-1) |
tap_p1 | 1.75 | first parameter for stem taper function |
tap_p2 | 1.1 | second parameter for stem taper function |
tap_p3 | -2.75 | third parameter for stem taper function |
tau | 0.03 | leaf transmissivity |
theta | 0.9 | curvature parameter |
tlimit | 5.0 | temperature limit for plant growth |
tmincrit | 50 | critical temperature for heat shock |
tofrtbas | 0.0027 | fraction of current fine root biomass that dies daily |
tosapmax | 0.0005 | fraction of current sapwood biomass that can die per day |
tuber | False | true for plants with belowground storage organs |
ucmax | 0.0 | max. spec. N-uptake rate (kgN m-2 leaf area) |
ugwdf | 0.23 | under-ground wood fraction (coarse root biomass in relation to total wood mass) [kgDW kgDW-1] |
us_nh4 | 0.012 | max. spec. NH4-N uptake rate (kgN kg-1 fine root dry weight day-1) |
us_nh4myc | 0.06 | max. spec. NH4-N uptake rate of mycorrhiza (kgN kg-1 fine root dry weight day-1) |
us_don | 0.0 | max. spec. DON-N uptake rate (kgN kg-1 fine root dry weight day-1) |
us_no3 | 0.006 | max. spec. NO3-N uptake rate (kgN kg-1 fine root dry weight day-1) |
us_no3myc | 0.0075 | max. spec. NO3-N uptake rate of mycorrhiza (kgN kg-1 fine root dry weight day-1) |
vcfact | 1.0 | scaling factor for enzyme activities in the MEP pathway other than isoprene and monoterpene synthases |
vcmax25 | 80.0 | maximum RubP saturated rate of carboxylation at 25oC for sun leaves (umol m-2 s-1) |
vpdref | 3.1 | vapor pressure at which stomata are fully closed (kPa) |
winterlimit | 0.0 | maximum allowed biomass before vernalization period |
woodmrespa | 0.07 | wood maintenance respiration as a fraction of gross photosynthesis |
wuecmax | 10.9 | maximum water use efficiency constant mgCO2 / gH2O |
wuecmin | 10.9 | minimum water use efficiency constant |
zrtmc | 1.0 | maximum depth of fine roots |