LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0
Vegetation physiology output

Physiology output (daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:physiology:daily" />

entity name decription unit
species Abbreviated name of species [-]
day_emergence Day of emergence [-]
gdd Accumulated growing degree days [oC]
pds_gdd Phenological development stage based on accumulated growing degree days [-]
pds_zadok Phenological development stage based on Zadok [-]
dvs_flush Plant development stage (in forest simulations: relative state of foliage flushing) [-]
dvs_mort Relative state of foliage senescence [-]
dN_don_upt Plant uptake of soil organic nitrogen [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_nh4_upt Plant uptake of soil ammonium [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_no3_upt Plant uptake of soil nitrate [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_nh3_upt Plant uptake of soil ammonia [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_nox_upt Uptake of NOx [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_n2_fix Nitrogen fixation by plants [kgN m-2 d-1]
dC_fol_grow Daily increase of foliages carbon [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_fru_grow Daily increase of fruit carbon [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_frt_grow Daily increase of (fine) roots carbon [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_lst_grow Daily increase of living structural matter (carbon) [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_fac_grow Daily carbon allocated to pool available substrate [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_fol_resp Foliar respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_fru_resp Fruit respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_frt_resp Fine roots respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_lst_resp Living structural matter respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_maintenance_resp Total residual respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_transport_resp Total transport and uptake respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_growth_resp Total growth respiration [kgC m-2 d-1]
dC_co2_upt Carbon uptake-Photosynthesis rate [kgC m-2 d-1]
f_Fac Relative state of free available carbon [-]
DW_fol Living foliar biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_dfol Dead foliar biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_fru Fruit biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_frt Fine roots biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_lst Living structural matter (e.g., young wood) biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_dst Dead structural matter (e.g., old wood) biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_above Total aboveground biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_below Total belowground biomass [kgDW m-2]
lai Leaf area index [m2 m-2]
specific_leaf_area Specifc leaf area [m-2 kg-1]
n_ret Retention of nitrogen [kgN m-2]
NC_fol Nitrogen content in the foliage [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_frt Nitrogen content in the fine roots [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_fru Nitrogen content in the fruit [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_lst Nitrogen content in living structural matter (e.g., young wood) [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_dst Nitrogen content in dead structural matter (e.g., old wood) [kgN kgDW-1]
N_total Total plant nitrogen [kgN m-2]
dDW_fol_sen Foliage senescence [kgDW m-2 d-1]
dDW_fru_sen Fruit senescence [kgDW m-2 d-1]
dDW_frt_sen Fine roots senescence [kgDW m-2 d-1]
dDW_lst_sen Living structural matter (e.g., young wood) senescence [kgDW m-2 d-1]
dDW_dst_sen Dead structural matter (e.g., old wood) senescence [kgDW m-2 d-1]
dC_exsudates Root exsudates losses [kgC m-2 d-1]
dN_lit_fol Nitrogen in the foliage-litter [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_lit_fru Nitrogen in the Fruit-litter [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_lit_frt Nitrogen in the fine roots-litter [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_lit_ldst_below Nitrogen in aboveground living and dead structural matter [kgN m-2 d-1]
dN_lit_ldst_above Nitrogen in belowground living and dead structural matter [kgN m-2 d-1]
drought_rel Species specific drought stress factor [-]
heat_damage_longterm Longterm heat damage [-]
conduct_rel Relative stomatal conductance [-]
vc_act_25 Activity state of rubisco at 25 degrees celsius [umol m-2 d-1]
iso_act Activity state of isoprene synthase [umol m-2 d-1]
mono_act Activity state of monoterpene synthase [umol m-2 d-1]
d_iso_emis Isoprene emission from plants [umol m-2 d-1]
d_mono_emis Monoterpene emission from plants [umol m-2 d-1]
d_mono_storage_emis Monoterpene emission from plant storage [umol:m-2]
d_ovoc_emis OVOC emission from plant storage [umol:m-2]
dN_nh4_throughf Ammonium deposition through rainfall [kgN L-1]
dN_no3_throughf Nitrate deposition throug rainfall [kgN L-1]

Physiology output (layer/daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:physiology-layer:daily" />

entity name decription unit
layer Canopy/soil layer [-]
level Level height [m]
extension Height [m]
DW_fol/DW_frt Foliage (living and dead) / fine roots biomass [kgDW m-2]
lai Leaf area index [-]
dN_upt_nh3 Nitrogen uptake [kgN]
dN_upt_nox Nitrogen gasses uptake [kgN]
dC_co2_upt Carbon dioxide uptake [kgN]
vc_act_25 Activity state of rubisco at 25 degrees celsius [umol m-2 s-1]
vc_max Actual activity state of rubisco [umol m-2 s-1]
j_max Maximum rate of electron transport [umol m-2 s-1]
j_pot Potential rate of electron transport [umol m-2 s-1]
ci Intercellular concentration of CO2 [umol m-2 s-1]
iso_act Activity state of isoprene synthase [nmol m-2 s-1]
mono_act Activity state of monoterpene synthase [nmol m-2 s-1]
iso_emis Isoprene emission from plants [umol m-2 s-1]
mono_emis Monoterpene emission from plants [umol m-2 s-1]
rootlength root length [m]

Physiology output (subdaily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:physiology:subdaily" />

entity name decription unit
day_emerg Day of emergence [day]
temp_cum Growing degree days [gdd]
dvs_flush Relative state of foliage flushing in forest simulations [-]
dvs_mort Relative state of foliage senescence [-]
dN_don_upt Plant uptake of soil organic nitrogen [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_nh4_upt Plant uptake of soil ammonium [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_no3_upt Plant uptake of soil nitrate [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_nh3_upt Plant uptake of soil ammonia [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_nox_upt Uptake of NOx [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dN_n2_fix Nitrogen fixation by plants [kgN m-2 ts-1]
dC_fol_grow Increase of foliages carbon [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_frt_grow Increase of (fine) roots carbon [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_lst_grow Increase of living structural tissue carbon [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_fru_grow Increase of fruit (buds) carbon [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_fac_grow Carbon allocated to pool available substrate [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_fol_resp Foliar respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_frt_resp Fine roots respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_lst_resp Young living structural tissue respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_fru_resp Fruit (buds) respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_maintenance_resp Total residual respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_transport_resp Total transport and uptake respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_growth_resp Total growth respiration [kgC m-2 ts-1]
dC_co2_upt Carbon uptake-Photosynthesis rate [kgC m-2 ts-1]
f_Fac Relative state of free available carbon [-]
DW_fol Foliar mass [kgDW m-2]
DW_frt Fine roots mass [kgDW m-2]
DW_lst Living structural tissue mass [kgDW m-2]
DW_dst Dead structural tissue mass [kgDW m-2]
DW_fru Fruit (buds) mass [kgDW m-2]
lai Leaf area index [-]
sla Leaf area index [m-2 kg-1]
n_ret Retention of nitrogen [kgN m-2]
NC_fol Nitrogen content in the foliage [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_frt Nitrogen content in the fine roots [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_lst Nitrogen content in the living structural tissue [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_dst Nitrogen content in the dead structural tissue [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_fru Nitrogen content in the fruit [kgN kgDW-1]
dC_fol_sen Foliage senescence [kgDW m-2 ts-1]
dC_frt_sen Fine roots senescence [kgDW m-2 ts-1]
dC_lst_sen Living structural tissue senescence [kgDW m-2 ts-1]
dC_fru_sen Fruit (buds) senescence [kgDW m-2 ts-1]
dC_exsudates Root exsudates losses [kgC m-2 ts-1]
N_lit_fol Nitrogen in the foliage-litter [kgN m-2]
N_lit_frt Nitrogen in the fine roots-litter [kgN m-2]
N_lit_lst Nitrogen in the living structural tissue-litter [kgN m-2]
N_lit_fru Nitrogen in the fruit-litter [kgN m-2]
drought_rel Species specific drought stress factor [-]
conduct_rel Conductance rel [-]
vc_act_25 Activity state of rubisco at 25 degrees celsius [umol m-2 s-1]
iso_act Activity state of isoprene synthase [umol m-2 s-1]
mono_act Activity state of monoterpene synthase [umol m-2 s-1]
iso_emis Isoprene emission from plants [umol m-2 s-1]
mono_emis Monoterpene emission from plants [umol m-2 s-1]
dN_nh4_throughf Ammonium deposition through rainfall [kgN L-1]
dN_no3_throughf Nitrate deposition throug rainfall [kgN L-1]

Physiology output (yearly)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:physiology:yearly" />

entity name decription unit
aN_n2_fix Annual nitrogen fixation [kgN m-2]
DW_fol Foliage biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_frt Fine roots biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_lst Living structural biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_dst Dead structural biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_fru Fruit (grain, storage) biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_above Aboveground biomass [kgDW m-2]
DW_below Belowground biomass [kgDW m-2]
NC_fol Nitrogen content in the foliage [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_frt Nitrogen content in the fine roots [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_fru Nitrogen content in the fruit [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_lst Nitrogen content in living structural matter (e.g., young wood) [kgN kgDW-1]
NC_dst Nitrogen content in dead structural matter (e.g., old wood) [kgN kgDW-1]
N_total Total plant nitrogen [kgN m-2]