LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0
Soilchemistry output

Soilchemistry output (daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:soilchemistry:daily" />

entity name decription unit
dC_ch4_emis Daily methane flux [kgCha-1]
dC_co2_emis_auto Daily autotrophic (fine roots) soil respiration [kgCha-1]
dC_co2_emis_hetero Daily heterotrophic soil respiration [kgCha-1]
dC_sol_leach Daily dissolved organic carbon leaching [kgCha-1]
dN_don_leach Daily dissolved organic nitrogen leaching [kgNha-1]
dN_no3_leach Daily nitrate leaching [kgNha-1]
dN_nh4_leach Daily ammonium leaching [kgNha-1]
dN_no_emis Daily nitric oxide flux [kgNha-1]
dN_n2o_emis Daily nitrous oxide flux [kgNha-1]
dN_n2_emis Daily molecular nitrogen flux [kgNha-1]
dN_n2_fix Daily molecular nitrogen fixation by soil microorganisms [kgNha-1]
dN_nh3_emis Daily ammonia volatilization [kgNha-1]
dC_litter_above Daily carbon above ground litter input [kgCha-1]
dC_litter_below Daily carbon below ground litter input [kgCha-1]
dN_litter_above Daily nitrogen above ground litter input [kgNha-1]
dN_litter_below Daily nitrogen below ground litter input [kgNha-1]
dN_deposition Daily nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere [kgNha-1]
dN_plant_uptake Daily nitrogen uptake by plants [kgNha-1]
dN_mineral Daily nitrogen mineralization rate [kgNha-1]
dN_nitrify Daily nitrification to NO3 [kgNha-1]
dN_denitrify Daily denitrification of NO3 [kgNha-1]
dN_chemo Daily chemodenitrification of NO2 [kgNha-1]
C_soil Total soil organic carbon (humus + microbes (living and necromass) + litter (raw and fragmented) + dissolved carbon). NO wood material included [kgCha-1]
C_soil_20cm Total soil organic carbon (see: C_soil for composition) in the first 20 cm [kgCha-1]
C_soil_30cm Total soil organic carbon (see: C_soil for composition) in the first 30 cm [kgCha-1]
C_aorg Total active soil organic carbon [kgCha-1]
C_litter_raw Total above and belowground carbon in raw litter [kgCha-1]
C_litter Carbon stored in litter pools [kgCha-1]
C_mic Microbial biomass carbon [kgCha-1]
C_sol Dissolved organic carbon [kgCha-1]
C_wood Wood carbon [kgCha-1]
N_soil Total non-dissolved organic nitrogen [kgNha-1]
N_soil_20cm Total non-dissolved organic nitrogen in the first 20 cm [kgNha-1]
N_soil_30cm Total non-dissolved organic nitrogen in the first 30 cm [kgNha-1]
N_aorgTotal active soil organic nitrogen [kgCha-1]
N_litter_raw Total above and belowground nitrogen in raw litter [kgNha-1]
N_litter Nitrogen stored in litter pools [kgNha-1]
N_mic Microbial biomass nitrogen [kgNha-1]
N_sol Dissolved organic + inorganic nitrogen [kgNha-1]

Soilchemistry output (horizons/daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:soilchemistry-horizons:daily" />

entity name decription unit
dN_no3_leach_10cm[kgNm-2] Daily NO3 leaching in 10 cm soil depth [kgNm-2]
dN_no3_leach_20cm[kgNm-2] Daily NO3 leaching in 10 cm soil depth [kgNm-2]
dN_no3_leach_30cm[kgNm-2] Daily NO3 leaching in 10 cm soil depth [kgNm-2]
dN_no3_leach_50cm[kgNm-2] Daily NO3 leaching in 50 cm soil depth [kgNm-2]
dN_no3_leach_100cm[kgNm-2] Daily NO3 leaching in 100 cm soil depth [kgNm-2]

Soilchemistry output (layer/daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:soilchemistry-layer:daily" />

entity name decription unit
layer Soil layer [-]
height Soil layer height [m]
extension extension [m]
som Total soil organic matter [kgDWha-1]
min Mineral fraction [kgDWha-1]
C_hum Carbon in soil humus pool [kgCha-1]
C_aorg Carbon in active organic matter pool [kgCha-1]
C_litter_1 Carbon of very labile litter pool [kgCha-1]
C_litter_2 Carbon of labile litter pool [kgCha-1]
C_litter_3 Carbon of recalcitrant litter pool [kgCha-1]
C_mic_1 Carbon of microbial pool 1 [kgCha-1]
C_mic_2 Carbon of microbial pool 2 [kgCha-1]
C_mic_3 Carbon of microbial pool 3 [kgCha-1]
C_doc Dissolved organic carbon [kgCha-1]
N_hum Nitrogen in soil humus pool [kgNha-1]
N_aorgActive organic nitrogen [kgNha-1]
N_litterNitrogen in soil litter [kgNha-1]
N_micTotal microbial nitrogen [kgNha-1]
N_nh4_clayAmmonium adsorbed on clay minerals [kgNha-1]
N_nh4Ammonium [kgNha-1]
N_nh3Ammonia [kgNha-1]
N_no3Nitrate [kgNha-1]
N_no2Nitrite [kgNha-1]
N_noNitric oxide [kgNha-1]
N_n2oNitroux oxide [kgNha-1]
N_donDissolved organic nitrogen [kgNha-1]
ph [-] pH value [-]
anvf Anaerobic volume fraction [-]
o2 Oxygen partial pressure [bar]
dN_mineral Daily mineralization rate [kgNha-1]
dN_nitrify Daily nitrification rate [kgNha-1]
dN_denitrify Daily denitrification rate [kgNha-1]

Soilchemistry output (layer/subdaily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:soilchemistry-layer:subdaily" />

entity name decription unit
layer Soil layer [-]
height Soil layer height [m]
extension extension [m]
C_doc Dissolved organic carbon [kgCha-1]
C_microbes Carbon of microbial biomass [kgCha-1]
N_nh4Ammonium [kgNha-1]
N_nh3Ammonia [kgNha-1]
N_no3Nitrate [kgNha-1]
N_no2Nitrite [kgNha-1]
N_noNitric oxide [kgNha-1]
N_n2oNitroux oxide [kgNha-1]
N_donDissolved organic nitrogen [kgNha-1]
anvf Anaerobic volume fraction [-]
o2 Oxygen partial pressure [bar]

Soilchemistry output (subdaily)

entity name decription unit
sC_co2_emis Soil CO2 emissions [kgCm-2]
sC_co2_prod_auto Autotrophic soil repiration [kgCm-2]
sC_co2_prod_hetero Heterotrophic soil repiration [kgCm-2]
sC_doc_leach Leaching of dissolved carbon [kgCm-2]

Soilchemistry output (yearly)

entity name decription unit
aC_ch4_emis Annual methane emissions [kgCha-1]
aC_co2_emis_auto Annual autotrophic (fine roots) respiration [kgCha-1]
aC_co2_emis_hetero Annual heterotrophic soil respiration [kgCha-1]
aC_doc_leach Annual dissolved organic carbon leaching [kgCha-1]
aC_litter_above Annual carbon in leave-litter fall [kgCha-1]
aC_litter_below Annual rhizodeposited carbon (root exudates and root decay) [kgCha-1]
aC_fertilize Annual carbon input via fertilization/manuring [kgCha-1]
aC_fixation Annual carbon fixation from atmosphere [kgCha-1]
aN_no_emis Annual nitric oxide emissions [kgNha-1]
aN_n2o_emis Annual nitroux oxide emissions [kgNha-1]
aN_n2_emis Annual molecular nitrogen emissions [kgNha-1]
aN_nh3_emis Annual ammonia emissions [kgNha-1]
aN_no3_leach Annual nitrate leaching [kgNha-1]
aN_nh4_leach Annual ammonium leaching [kgNha-1]
aN_don_leach Annual dissolved organic nitrogen leaching [kgNha-1]
aN_plant_uptake Annual nitrogen uptake by plants [kgNha-1]
aN_litter_above Annual nitrogen (from the litter) [kgNha-1]
aN_litter_below Annual rhizodeposited nitrogen (from the litter) [kgNha-1]
aN_fertilize Annual nitrogen input via fertilization/manuring [kgNha-1]
aN_fixation Annual nitrogen fixation from atmosphere [kgNha-1]
aN_deposition_no3 Annual nitrate deposition [kgNha-1]
aN_deposition_nh4 Annual amonium deposition [kgNha-1]
aN_mineral Annual nitrogen mineralization [kgNha-1]
aN_nitrify Annual nitrification [kgNha-1]
aN_chemodenitrify Annual chemodenitrification [kgNha-1]
aN_denitrify Annual microbial denitrification [kgNha-1]
C_stubble Carbon stored in stubbles at the end of year [kgCha-1]
C_wood_above Carbon stored in aboveground wood at the end of year [kgCha-1]
C_wood_below Carbon stored in belowground wood at the end of year [kgCha-1]
C_soil Total soil organic carbon at the end of year of the complete soil profile. Note, stubble and wood are excluded, microbial and dissolved carbon are included [kgCha-1]
C_soil_20cm Total soil organic carbon at the end of year of the first 20cm of the soil [kgCha-1]
C_soil_30cm Total soil organic carbon at the end of year of the first 30cm of the soil [kgCha-1]
C_mic Microbial carbon at the end of year of the complete soil profile [kgCha-1]
C_sol Dissolved organic carbon at the end of year of the complete soil profile [kgCha-1]
N_stubble Nitrogen stored in stubbles at the end of year [kgNha-1]
N_wood_above Nitrogen stored in aboveground wood at the end of year [kgNha-1]
N_wood_below Nitrogen stored in belowground wood at the end of year [kgNha-1]
N_soil Total soil organic nitrogen at the end of year of the complete soil profile. Note, stubble and wood are excluded, , microbial and dissolved nitrogen are included [kgNha-1]
N_soil_20cm Total soil organic nitrogen at the end of year of the first 20cm of the mineral soil. Note, the litter layer is not included [kgNha-1]
N_soil_30cm Total soil organic nitrogen at the end of year of the first 30cm of the mineral soil. Note, the litter layer is not included [kgNha-1]
N_mic_total Microbial nitrogen at the end of year of the complete soil profile [kgNha-1]
N_sol_total Dissolved organic nitrogen at the end of year of the complete soil profile [kgNha-1]
aC_change Annual change of all nitrogen pools [kgCha-1]
aN_change Annual change of all nitrogen pools [kgNha-1]