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The soilchemistry model SoilchemistryDNDC has been developed in order to predict GHG emissions from forest and agricultural ecosystems
Plant litter is distributed into very labile, labile, and resistant compartments across the soil profile according to its nitrogen content.
Incoming plant is litter is characterized by:
During the first step of nitrification ( \( NH_4^+ \rightarrow NO_2 \)) some fraction is converted to \( N_2O \) and \( NO \):
\[ \frac{d NO}{dt} = -\psi_{KNO} \cdot \phi_{TM,NO} \cdot \phi_{pH,NO} \cdot \frac{d NH_4}{dt} \\ \frac{d N_2O}{dt} = -\psi_{KN2O} \cdot \phi_{TM, N_2O} \cdot \frac{d NH_4}{dt} \]
The temperature (T) moisture ( \(\theta\)) factor \( \phi_{TM, NO} \) is given by
\[ \phi_{TM,NO} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{\Psi_{TF\_NUP\_NO1} e^{\frac{T}{\Psi_{TF\_NUP\_NO2}}}} + \frac{1}{1-\frac{\Psi_{M\_FACT\_P1}}{1 + e^{\theta - \Psi_{M\_FACT\_P2}}}}} \]
\[ \phi_{pH,NO} = \Psi_{PH\_FACT\_P2} - \Psi_{PH\_FACT\_P3} \cdot pH \]
The temperature (T) moisture ( \(\theta\)) factor \( \phi_{TM, N_2O} \) is given by
\[ \phi_{TM,N_2O} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{\Psi_{TF\_NUP\_N2O1} e^{\frac{T}{\Psi_{TF\_NUP\_N2O2}}}} + \frac{1}{1-\frac{\Psi_{M\_FACT\_P3}}{1 + e^{\theta - \Psi_{M\_FACT\_P4}}}}} \]