LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0
Vegetation structure output

Vegetation structure output (daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:vegstructure:daily" />

entity name decription unit
area_cover Area cover [-]
area_fraction Area fraction [-]
n_tree Number of plants [-]
vol_tree Volume of plants [m3ha-1]
h_max maximal Height of plants [m]
h_min minimal Height of plants [m]
diam_ground Stem diameter at ground [m]
diam_breast Stem diameter at breast height [m]
depth Depth [m]
sla Specific leaf area [m2 kg-1]
lai Leaf area index [-]
crown_diam_ratio Crown diameter ratio [-]
sap_fol_ratio Sapwood foliage ratio [-]
branch_fraction Branch fraction [-]
DW_stem_wood Stem wood [kg m-2]
DW_branch_wood Branch wood [kg m-2]
DW_root_wood Root wood [kg m-2]

Vegetation structure output (horizons,daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:vegstructure-horizons:daily" />

entity name decription unit
lai_canopy_top Leaf area index at canopy top [m2m-2]
lai_canopy_middle Leaf area index at canopy middle [m2m-2]
lai_canopy_bottom Leaf area index at canopy bottom [m2m-2]
root_length_density_10cm Root length density in 10 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_20cm Root length density in 20 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_40cm Root length density in 40 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_60cm Root length density in 60 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_80cm Root length density in 80 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_120cm Root length density in 120 cm soil depth [mm-3]
root_length_density_150cm Root length density in 150 cm soil depth [mm-3]

Vegetation structure output (layer,daily)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:vegstructure-layer:daily" />

entity name decription unit
level Level height [m]
extension Height [m]
lai Leaf area index [-]
sla Specific leaf area [m2 kg-1]
fol_fraction Foliage fraction [0-1]
frt_fraction Fine roots fraction [0-1]

Vegetation structure output (layer,yearly)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:vegstructure-layer:yearly" />

entity name decription unit
level Level height [m]
extension Height [m]
sla Specific leaf area [m2 kg-1]
fol_fraction Foliage fraction [0-1]
frt_fraction Fine roots fraction [0-1]

Vegetation structure output (yearly)

xml-based module selection in project's setup:

< module id="output:vegstructure:yearly" />

entity name decription unit
area_cover Area cover [-]
area_fraction Area fraction [-]
n_tree Number of plants [-]
vol_tree Volume of plants [m3ha-1]
h_max maximal Height of plants [m]
h_min minimal Height of plants [m]
diam_ground Stem diameter at ground [m]
diam_breast Stem diameter at breast height [m]
depth Depth [m]
lai Leaf area index [-]
crown_diam_ratio Crown diameter ratio [-]
sap_fol_ratio Sapwood foliage ratio [-]
branch_fraction Branch fraction [-]
DW_stem_wood Stem wood [kg m-2]
DW_branch_wood Branch wood [kg m-2]
DW_root_wood Root wood [kg m-2]