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This gas exchange module calculates emission of biogenetic volatile organic compounds. More...
Inherits ldndc::MBE_LegacyModel.
Static Private Attributes | |
static double const | KM_TP = 10.0 |
static double const | LOSS_RATE = 0.0035 |
static double const | TP_LRATE = LOSS_RATE |
static double const | ADP_LRATE = LOSS_RATE * 10.0 |
static double const | NAD_LRATE = LOSS_RATE * 10.0 |
static double const | TREF = 303.0 |
static double const | BETA = 0.09 |
static double const | JEFF = 2.0 |
static double const | TPU = 23.0 |
static double const | DFOL = 0.38 |
static double const | FCHL = 0.076 |
static double const | FPGA = 0.8 |
static double const | KM_DXPS_PEP = 65.0 |
static double const | KM_DXPS_PGA = 120.0 |
static double const | KM_DXPR_NADPH = 19.0 |
static double const | KM_DXPR_DXP = 115.0 |
static double const | KM_IDPS = 330.0 |
static double const | KM_GGDPS_GDP = 7.7 |
static double const | KM_GGDPS_IDP = 7.0 |
static double const | KM_IDPI = 7.0 |
static double const | KEQ_IDPI = 3.1 |
static double const | CT_IDP = 21.90 |
static double const | DS_IDP = 882.0 |
static double const | HA_IDP = 55000.0 |
static double const | CT_GDP = 33.05 |
static double const | DS_GDP = 915.0 |
static double const | HA_GDP = 83129.0 |
This gas exchange module calculates emission of biogenetic volatile organic compounds.
implemented by: Ruediger Grote (RG), IMK-IFU Garmisch-Partenkirchen, ruedi published in: ger. grote @imk .fzk. de
W. Zimmer, N. Brueggemann, S. Emeis, C. Giersch, A. Lehning, R. Steinbrecher, and J.-P. Schnitzler. Process-based modelling of isoprene emission by oak leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment 23:585-595, 2000
R. Grote, S. Mayrhofer, R.J. Fischbach, R. Steinbrecher, M. Staudt, and J.-P. Schnitzler. Process-based modelling of isoprenoid emissions from evergreen leaves of Quercus ilex (L.). Atmospheric Environment, 40:152-165, 2006
R. Grote. Sensitivity of volatile monoterpene emission to changes in canopy structure - A model based exercise with a process-based emission model. New Phytologist 173: 550-561, 2007
staticprivate |
transport and conversion rate of ATP (umol umol-1 s-1)
staticprivate |
monoterpene scaling factor
staticprivate |
scaling constant for temperature sensitivity
staticprivate |
scaling constant for temperature sensitivity of IDP isomerase
staticprivate |
leaf tissue density (kgDW dmFW-3)
staticprivate |
entropy term for GDP synthase sensitivity to temperature (J mol-1 K-1)
staticprivate |
entropy term for IDP isomerase sensitivity to temperature (J mol-1 K-1)
staticprivate |
fraction chloroplast volume of total foliage volume (L dm-3)
staticprivate |
fraction PGA formed from pyruvat pool (-)
staticprivate |
activation energy for GDP synthase (J mol-1)
staticprivate |
activation energy for IDP isomerase (J mol-1)
staticprivate |
number of electrons needed per mole NADPH production
staticprivate |
equation constant for DMADP / IDP
staticprivate |
KM for MEP synthesis from NADPH (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for MEP synthesis from DXP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for DXP synthesis from GAP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for DXP synthesis from PGA (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for GGDPS synthesis from GDP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for GGDPS synthesis from IDP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for IDP isomerisation with DMADP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
KM for various synthases transforming MEP to IDP (umol L-1)
staticprivate |
MM parameter determining the transformation of triose phosphates into pyruvat
staticprivate |
depletion and conversion rate of intermediate substrates (umol umol-1 s-1)
staticprivate |
transport and conversion rate of NADPH (umol umol-1 s-1)
staticprivate |
transport and conversion rate of Pyruvat (umol umol-1 s-1)
staticprivate |
triose phosphate utilisation (umol m-2 s-1)
staticprivate |
reference temperature (K)