LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0
ldndc Namespace Reference

updates air chemistry subday and day buffers More...


class  EcHy
 Watercycle model EcosystemHydrology - EcHy. More...
struct  mobile_module_info_t
 structure representing module information from MoBiLE's setup module list block More...
class  mobile_modules_info_t
 structure manages module list information More...
class  MoBiLE_Substate
 abstract) base class for all simulation system state compartments More...
struct  module_option_register_t
 supported options shall be registered before referencing them More...
class  PhysiologyPlaMox
 Plamox. More...
class  PhysiologyVOCBIM
 This gas exchange module calculates emission of biogenetic volatile organic compounds. More...
class  SoilChemistryMeTrX
 Biogeochemical model MeTrx. More...
class  WatercycleDNDC
 Watercycle model WatercycleDNDC. More...


typedef speciesparameters::speciesparameters_set_t MoBiLE_PlantParameters


enum  lmodule_flag_e {
  LMOD_FLAG_CONTROL = 1u << 0,
  LMOD_FLAG_USER = 1u << 1,
  LMOD_FLAG_SYSTEM = 1u << 2,
  LMOD_FLAG_OUTPUT = 1u << 6,
enum  { LSUB_FLAG_NONE = 0u }
 Lower bounds for number of foliage layers.
enum  stomatalconductance_method_e
 Stomatal conductance methods.
enum  {
 Order of carbon pools in array passed to allocate_litter. More...


lerr_t assign_soillayer_porosity (double &_porosity_without_stones, int const &_nd_stratum, double const &_depth, double const &_c_org_without_stones, double const &_bulk_density_without_stones, const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t *_site, const ldndc::soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t *_soillayers, const ldndc::soilparameters::input_class_soilparameters_t *_soilparameters, bool _info=false)
lerr_t assign_soillayer_field_capacity_and_wilting_point (double &_wcmax_without_stones, double &_wcmin_without_stones, double _wfps_max, double _wfps_min, double _porosity_without_stones, int const &_nd_stratum, double const &_depth, const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t *_site, const ldndc::soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t *_soillayers, const ldndc::soilparameters::input_class_soilparameters_t *_soilparameters, bool _vg_prio=false, bool _info=false)
double resistance_aero_abovecanopy (double const &, double const &)
 returns boundary layer resistance above canopy
double resistance_aero_incanopy (double const &, double const &, double const &)
 returns boundary layer resistance within canopy
double crown_shape_parameter (double _length, double lref, double ps)
 Returns a crown shape parameter which is modified by canopy length. More...
void canopy_biomass_distribution (size_t const _fl_cnt_max, size_t const _fl_cnt, double const _ps, double const _h_bottom, double const _h_top, double const *_h_fl, double *_fFol_fl)
 Foliage biomass distribution vertically across canopy. More...
void canopy_lai_distribution (double _sla_min, double _sla_max, double _height_max, double _height_min, double _mFol, double const *_fFol_fl, double const *_h_fl, double *_lai_fl, double *_sla_fl, size_t _foliage_layer_cnt, size_t _foliage_layer_cnt_max)
 Leaf area distribution vertically across the whole canopy. More...
void estimate_single_layer_biomass (double const _ps, double const _h_bottom, double const _h_top, double _lw, double &_fract, double _h_cum_bottom, double _h_cum_top)
 Vertical biomass estimation. More...
void fineroots_biomass_distribution (size_t _sl_cnt_litter, size_t _sl_cnt_soil, double _ps, double _rooting_depth, double *_f_frt_sl, double const *_h_sl)
double get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass (MoBiLE_Plant *_p)
double get_sapwood_foliage_ratio (MoBiLE_Plant *_p)
double sapwood_foliage_area_ratio (double _height, double _qsf_p1, double _qsf_p2)
double stomatal_conductance_ballberry_1987 (double, double, double, double)
 Stomatal conductance according to Berry, Woodward and Ball 1987.
double stomatal_conductance_leuning_1990 (double, double, double, double, double)
 Stomatal conductance according to Leuning 1990.
double stomatal_conductance_leuning_1995_a (double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
 Stomatal conductance according to Leuning 1995.
double stomatal_conductance_eller_2020 (double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
 Stomatal conductance according to Eller et al. 2020.
double potential_wood_transpiration (soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &, double _vpd, double _carbon_uptake, double _f_area, double _wuecmax, double _wuecmin, lvector_t< double > _h_sl, lvector_t< double > _wc, lvector_t< double > _wc_min, lvector_t< double > _wc_max)
 Returns potential transpiration in [m] for trees.
double potential_crop_transpiration (double _co2, double _carbon_uptake, double _wuecmax)
 Returns potential transpiration in [m] for crops and grass.
double potential_transpiration (size_t, double gsmin, double gsmax, double *_lai_fl, lvector_t< double > _vpd_fl, double *_relative_conductance_fl)
 Returns potential transpiration in [m] for any species type.
lerr_t get_voc_emission_factors (ldndc::MoBiLE_Plant *, int, bool, double, int, double, double)
lerr_t LDNDC_API allocate_litter (double _c, double _n, double _RCNRVL, double _RCNRL, double _RCNRR, double _C[], double &_n_diff)
 calculates the amount of C which is added to the very labile, labile and recalcitrant decomposition pool More...
double LDNDC_API cation_exchange_capacity (double _clay, double _sand, double _som, double _ph, ecosystem_type_e _ecosystem)
 Detailed description provided here . More...
double d_eff_air_a (double const &, double const &)
 Returns effective diffusion coefficient depending on gas content. More...
double d_eff_air_b (double const &, double const &, double const &, double const &)
 Returns effective diffusion coefficient depending on gas content and porosity. More...
double d_eff_air_millington_and_quirk_1961 (double const &, double const &)
 Returns effective diffusion coefficient after [57]. More...
lerr_t update_litter_height (soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &, substate_watercycle_t &, substate_soilchemistry_t &)
 Detailed description provided here . More...
bool forest_floor (size_t, soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &, const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t &)
 First floor defined by: More...
double LDNDC_API sap_wood_fraction (double _lai_max, double _qsfa, double _height_min, double _height_max, double _depth)
 sap_wood_fraction The calculation of the fraction of sapwood in coarse roots is based on the idealized volume fraction and assumes that the stem in the crown as well as the coarse roots are shaped as cones, and that core wood reaches a third of the cone More...
lerr_t wood_initialization (soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &, MoBiLE_Plant *, substate_soilchemistry_t &, ecosystem_type_e)
 Initialization of aboveground and belowground wood debris, derived from existing vegetation. More...
double non_stomatal_water_limitation (double const &_var, double const &_var_ref, double const &_var_scale)
 Non stomatal water limitation. More...
double LDNDC_API thornthwaite_heat_index (double, size_t, double, double)
 Thornthwaite heat index.
double LDNDC_API thornthwaite (double, double, double, double, double)
 Potential evapotranspiration after [68].


LDNDC_API MoBiLE_ModuleFactoryEnvelope const module_factories []
 a list of destructors (because i was to lazy to add a one line file for these base classes..)
module factory array is defined here. More...
substate_factory_t< substate_airchemistry_t > const substate_airchemistry_factory
 substate base class implementation, sources factories More...

Detailed Description

updates air chemistry subday and day buffers

data synthesizer base class

declare common types related to species

common types related to species (implementation)

declare species groups known to the simulation system

container class for one complete soil and humus parameters set

container class for site parameters

Declare common types related to site input.

declare common types related to setup input

common types related to setup input

declare common types related to remotesensing input

collection of various helper functions

class containing full set of van Genuchten parametrization

declare common types related to groundwater input

declare common types related to geometry input

common event related data types

(management) event factories

base class for (management) events

declare common types related to climate input

declare common types related to checkpoint input

declare common types related to air chemistry input

Dynamic farmer.

david kraus

kind of helper module to perform additional tasks after all user modules have been run

container for state variable belonging to water cycle processes

container for state variable belonging to soil processes

container for state variable belonging to micro climate processes. it also acts as a one-timestep buffer for climate data records.

convenience header pulling all substate headers

helper functions for checkpointing mobile substate

container for MoBiLE substates

kind of helper module to perform additional tasks before user modules are run.

updates climate subday and day buffers

steffen klatt, edwin haas
steffen klatt, edwin haas
Old simmaster methods: <fluxInitials> + <nd-[CL|AC]arr2scalar> + <ndGeneral> + <readEventHandlingFile>
steffen klatt
steffen klatt (created on: oct 27, 2012), edwin haas
steffen klatt edwin haas
Steffen Klatt, Edwin Haas, David Kraus
David Kraus
steffen klatt (created on: mar 05, 2013), edwin haas
steffen klatt (created on: aug 13, 2012), edwin haas
steffen klatt (created on: may 23, 2014), edwin haas
Steffen Klatt (created on: dec 16, 2012), Edwin Haas David Kraus
steffen klatt (created on: dec 10, 2011)
steffen klatt (created on: dec 10, 2011)
Steffen Klatt (created on: dec 10, 2011), Edwin Haas
steffen klatt (created on: feb 03, 2014), edwin haas
Steffen Klatt (created on: may 29, 2015), David Kraus
steffen klatt (created on: may 29, 2015), david kraus
David Kraus (created on: february 28, 2017)
david kraus, ruediger grote, steffen klatt, ...
Steffen Klatt on: may 29, 2015), David Kraus
steffen klatt (created on: sep 03, 2013), edwin haas

for now, also pulls in all kernel specific input declarations

steffen klatt (created on: aug 11, 2012), edwin haas
  • Steffen Klatt (created on: jun 06, 2013)
  • David Kraus
  • Edwin Haas
steffen klatt (created on: jun 19, 2013), edwin haas
Ruediger Grote, David Kraus
Steffen Klatt (created on: jun 20, 2013) Edwin Haas David Kraus
Steffen Klatt (created on: mar 31, 2013) Edwin Haas David Kraus
steffen klatt (created on jun 19, 2013), edwin haas
steffen klatt (created on: jun 20, 2013), edwin haas
steffen klatt (created on: apr 04, 2013), edwin haas
steffen klatt (created on: jan 19, 2013)

Typedef Documentation

◆ MoBiLE_PlantParameters

typedef speciesparameters::speciesparameters_set_t ldndc::MoBiLE_PlantParameters

overview of plant properties ...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

empty flag

75 {
78 };
Definition: mbe_substate.h:77

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Order of carbon pools in array passed to allocate_litter.


very labile







20 {
24  CPOOL_L,
26  CPOOL_R,
28  CPOOL_B,
31 };
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:26
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:28
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:24
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:22

◆ lmodule_flag_e


empty flag


marks model as control model


marks model as user model


marks model as internal system model


marks model as initializer (runs before user legacy models)


marks model as finalizer (runs after user legacy models)


marks model as maintenance model (e.g. updates, resets, etc)


marks model as output model (always added last)


marks model as test model

65 {
67  LMOD_FLAG_NONE = 0u,
70  LMOD_FLAG_CONTROL = 1u << 0,
73  LMOD_FLAG_USER = 1u << 1,
76  LMOD_FLAG_SYSTEM = 1u << 2,
80  LMOD_FLAG_FINALIZER = 1u << 4,
85  LMOD_FLAG_OUTPUT = 1u << 6,
88  LMOD_FLAG_TEST_MODULE = 1u << 7,
91  LMOD_FLAG_CNT = 1 + 1 + cbm::log2_t< LMOD_FLAG_CNT_-1 >::LOG2
92 };
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:80
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:78
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:70
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:88
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:73
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:67
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:82
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:76
Definition: mbe_legacymodel.h:85

Function Documentation

◆ allocate_litter()

lerr_t ldndc::allocate_litter ( double  _c,
double  _n,
double  _RCNRVL,
double  _RCNRL,
double  _RCNRR,
double  _C[],
double &  _n_diff 

calculates the amount of C which is added to the very labile, labile and recalcitrant decomposition pool

The needed information in this function are the amount of carbon in litter _c and the corresponding CN ratio (determined from nitrogen _n).

four cases: If the CN ratio is lower than the CN ratio of the very labile litter pool, all litter-C goes to the very labile decomposition pool.

If the CN ratio is between RCNRVL and the harmonic mean of RCNRVL and RCNRR, an increasing CN ratio decreases C_0 and increases C_1 and C_2.

If thc CN ratio is between the harmonic mean of RCNRVL and RCNRR and RCNRR, C_1 and C_2 decrease and only C_0 increases.

If CN ratio is higher than RCNRR, all Litter-C goes to C_2.

_cCarbon in litter flux
_nNitrogen in litter flux
_COrganic carbon that is added to the
  • very labile,
  • labile,
  • recalcitrant decomposition pool (kgC ha-1)
rr_vl_l harmonic mean of RCNRL and RCNRVL; used to calculate weights how addC is partitioned into C1,C2 and C3 rr_l_r harmonic mean of RCNRL and RCNRR
david kraus (created on: may 6, 2014)


19 {
20  ldndc_assert( _n >= 0.0);
22  if (cbm::flt_equal_zero(_n))
23  {
24  _C[CPOOL_VL] = 0.0;
25  _C[CPOOL_L] = 0.0;
26  _C[CPOOL_R] = 0.0;
27  _C[CPOOL_B] = _c;
28  _n_diff = 0.0;
29  }
30  else
31  {
32  ldndc_assert(( _RCNRVL > 0.0) && ( _RCNRL > 0.0) && ( _RCNRR > 0.0));
33  double const cn( _c / _n);
35  if ( cn < _RCNRVL)
36  {
37  /* cn \in (0,rL) */
38  _C[CPOOL_VL] = _c;
39  _C[CPOOL_L] = 0.0;
40  _C[CPOOL_R] = 0.0;
41  _C[CPOOL_B] = 0.0;
42  _n_diff = ( _n - _c/_RCNRVL);
43  }
44  else if (( cn >= _RCNRVL) && ( cn < _RCNRL))
45  {
46  /* cn \in [rL,r) */
47  double rr_l_r( 2.0 * _RCNRR * _RCNRL / ( _RCNRR + _RCNRL));
48  double addrr( _c * ( rr_l_r - cn) / ( rr_l_r - _RCNRVL) * ( _RCNRVL / cn));
49  _C[CPOOL_VL] = ( 1.25 * addrr - _c * 0.25);
50  _C[CPOOL_L] = ( _c - addrr);
51  _C[CPOOL_R] = (( _c - addrr) * 0.25);
52  _C[CPOOL_B] = 0.0;
53  _n_diff = 0.0;
54  }
55  else if (( cn >= _RCNRL) && ( cn <= _RCNRR))
56  {
57  /* cn \in [r,rR] */
58  double rr_vl_l( 2.0 * _RCNRVL * _RCNRL / ( _RCNRVL + _RCNRL));
59  double addrr( _c * ( rr_vl_l - cn) / (rr_vl_l - _RCNRR) * ( _RCNRR / cn));
60  _C[CPOOL_VL] = (( _c - addrr) * 0.25);
61  _C[CPOOL_L] = ( _c - addrr);
62  _C[CPOOL_R] = ( _c - ( _C[0] + _C[1]));
63  _C[CPOOL_B] = 0.0;
64  _n_diff = 0.0;
65  }
66  else
67  {
68  /* cn \in (rR,\inf) */
69  _C[CPOOL_VL] = 0.0;
70  _C[CPOOL_L] = 0.0;
71  _C[CPOOL_R] = _n * _RCNRR;
72  _C[CPOOL_B] = _c - _n * _RCNRR;
73  _n_diff = 0.0;
74  }
75  }
77  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
78 }
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:26
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:28
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:24
Definition: ld_allocatelitter.h:22

◆ assign_soillayer_field_capacity_and_wilting_point()

lerr_t ldndc::assign_soillayer_field_capacity_and_wilting_point ( double &  _wcmax_without_stones,
double &  _wcmin_without_stones,
double  _wfps_max,
double  _wfps_min,
double  _porosity_without_stones,
int const &  _nd_stratum,
double const &  _depth,
const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t *  _site,
const ldndc::soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t *  _soillayers,
const ldndc::soilparameters::input_class_soilparameters_t *  _soilparameters,
bool  _vg_prio = false,
bool  _info = false 

Wilting point is checked for consistency against field capacity, i.e., field capacity is not allowed to exceed 90% of estimated field capacity:

\( \theta_{min} = min(\theta_{min}, 0.9 \; \theta_{max}) \)

References assign_soillayer_porosity(), and forest_floor().

919 {
920  ldndc::site::iclass_site_stratum_t stratum;
921  lerr_t rc_stratum = _soillayers->stratum( _nd_stratum, &stratum);
922  RETURN_IF_NOT_OK( rc_stratum);
924  bool vg_parameter_from_input( true);
925  double vg_a( 0.0);
926  double vg_n( 0.0);
927  double vg_m( 0.0);
928  lerr_t rc_vg = assign_soillayer_van_genuchten_parameter( vg_a, vg_n, vg_m, vg_parameter_from_input,
929  _nd_stratum, _depth, _site, _soillayers, _soilparameters, false);
930  if ( rc_vg)
931  {
932  LOGERROR( "Initialization of field capacity and wilting point of stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, " not successfull due to invalid van Genuchen parameters");
933  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
934  }
936  double stone_fraction( 0.0);
937  lerr_t rc_stone = assign_soillayer_stone_fraction( stone_fraction, _nd_stratum, _depth, _site, _soillayers, _soilparameters, false);
938  if ( rc_stone)
939  {
940  LOGERROR( "Initialization of field capacity and wilting point of stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, " not successfull due to invalid stone content");
941  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
942  }
944  double clay( 0.0);
945  double sand( 0.0);
946  double silt( 0.0);
947  lerr_t rc_texture = assign_soillayer_soil_texture( clay, sand, silt, _nd_stratum, _depth, _site, _soillayers, _soilparameters, false);
948  if ( rc_texture)
949  {
950  LOGERROR( "Initialization of field capacity and wilting point of stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, " not successfull due to invalid soil texture info");
951  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
952  }
954  cbm::string_t texture_name( ldndc::get_soil_texture( sand * 100.0, clay * 100.0));
955  ldndc::soillayers::soil_type_e texture_type( ldndc::get_soil_texture_type( texture_name));
957  if( cbm::flt_greater_equal_zero( stratum.wcmax))
958  {
959  _wcmax_without_stones = stratum.wcmax * cbm::M_IN_MM;
960  }
961  else
962  {
963  if ( vg_parameter_from_input || _vg_prio)
964  {
965  //capillary pressure at field capacity (pF value of 1.8)
966  double const cp_fc = 0.63; // [m]
967  _wcmax_without_stones = ldndc::hydrology::water_content( cp_fc, vg_a, vg_n, vg_m,
968  _wfps_max * _porosity_without_stones,
969  _wfps_min * _porosity_without_stones);
970  STRATUM_INFO( "Field capacity in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1," not initialized, estimated value (without stones): ",
971  _wcmax_without_stones * (1.0 - stone_fraction), " [m3 m-3] (based on van Genuchten)");
972  }
973  else
974  {
975  if ( forest_floor( _depth, *_soillayers, *_site))
976  {
977  _wcmax_without_stones = _soilparameters->HUMUS_WCMAX( _soillayers->humus_type()) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
978  }
979  else
980  {
981  if ( ldndc::use_usda_soil_texture_triangle( _soillayers->soil_type()) &&
982  (texture_type != ldndc::soillayers::SOIL_NONE))
983  {
984  _wcmax_without_stones = _soilparameters->SOIL_WCMAX( texture_type) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
985  }
986  else
987  {
988  _wcmax_without_stones = _soilparameters->SOIL_WCMAX( _soillayers->soil_type()) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
989  }
990  }
991  STRATUM_INFO( "Field capacity in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1," not initialized, estimated value is (without stones): ",
992  _wcmax_without_stones, " [m3 m-3] (based on soil texture)");
993  }
994  }
995  if( !cbm::flt_in_range_lu( 0.0, _wcmax_without_stones, 1.0))
996  {
997  LOGERROR( "Invalid value for field capacity in stratum ",_nd_stratum+1, ": ", _wcmax_without_stones," [m3 m-3]");
998  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
999  }
1007  double const wcmin_fraction( 0.9);
1008  if( cbm::flt_greater_equal_zero( stratum.wcmin))
1009  {
1010  _wcmin_without_stones = stratum.wcmin * cbm::M_IN_MM;
1011  }
1012  else
1013  {
1014  if ( vg_parameter_from_input || _vg_prio)
1015  {
1016  double const cp_wp = 150.0; // must be the same unit as 1/alpha -> m
1017  _wcmin_without_stones = ldndc::hydrology::water_content( cp_wp, vg_a, vg_n, vg_m,
1018  _wfps_max * _porosity_without_stones,
1019  _wfps_min * _porosity_without_stones);
1020  STRATUM_INFO( "Wilting point in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1," not initialized, estimated value (without stones): ",
1021  _wcmin_without_stones * (1.0 - stone_fraction), " [m3 m-3] (based on van Genuchten)");
1022  }
1023  else
1024  {
1025  if ( forest_floor( _depth, *_soillayers, *_site))
1026  {
1027  _wcmin_without_stones = _soilparameters->HUMUS_WCMIN( _soillayers->humus_type()) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
1028  }
1029  else
1030  {
1031  if ( ldndc::use_usda_soil_texture_triangle( _soillayers->soil_type()) &&
1032  (texture_type != ldndc::soillayers::SOIL_NONE))
1033  {
1034  _wcmin_without_stones = _soilparameters->SOIL_WCMIN( texture_type) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
1035  }
1036  else
1037  {
1038  _wcmin_without_stones = _soilparameters->SOIL_WCMIN( _soillayers->soil_type()) * cbm::M_IN_MM;
1039  }
1040  }
1041  STRATUM_INFO( "Wilting point in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1," not initialized, estimated value is (without stones): ",
1042  _wcmin_without_stones, " [m3 m-3] (based on soil texture)");
1043  }
1044  }
1045  if( !cbm::flt_in_range_lu( 0.0, _wcmin_without_stones, 1.0))
1046  {
1047  LOGERROR( "Invalid value for wilting point in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, ": ", _wcmin_without_stones," [m3 m-3]");
1048  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
1049  }
1050  else if ( cbm::flt_greater( _wcmin_without_stones, wcmin_fraction * _wcmax_without_stones))
1051  {
1052  _wcmin_without_stones = wcmin_fraction * _wcmax_without_stones;
1053  STRATUM_INFO( "Wilting point in stratum ", _nd_stratum+1," too close to field capacity. Wilting point changed to: ", _wcmin_without_stones, " [mm/m]");
1054  }
1055  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
1056 }
bool forest_floor(size_t, soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &, const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t &)
First floor defined by:
Definition: ld_litterheight.cpp:133
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ assign_soillayer_porosity()

lerr_t ldndc::assign_soillayer_porosity ( double &  _porosity_without_stones,
int const &  _nd_stratum,
double const &  _depth,
double const &  _c_org_without_stones,
double const &  _bulk_density_without_stones,
const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t *  _site,
const ldndc::soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t *  _soillayers,
const ldndc::soilparameters::input_class_soilparameters_t *  _soilparameters,
bool  _info = false 

Porosity is estimated based on organic carbon fraction and bulk density for the soil including stones. Porosity is given by a value between 0 and 1. See: porosity()

References forest_floor().

Referenced by assign_soillayer_field_capacity_and_wilting_point().

574 {
575  ldndc::site::iclass_site_stratum_t stratum;
576  lerr_t rc_stratum = _soillayers->stratum( _nd_stratum, &stratum);
577  if ( rc_stratum)
578  {
579  LOGERROR( "Invalid stratum [nd=", _nd_stratum,"]");
580  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
581  }
583  if( cbm::flt_greater_equal_zero( stratum.porosity))
584  {
585  _porosity_without_stones = stratum.porosity;
586  }
587  else
588  {
589  double clay( 0.0);
590  double sand( 0.0);
591  double silt( 0.0);
592  lerr_t rc_texture = assign_soillayer_soil_texture( clay, sand, silt, _nd_stratum, _depth, _site, _soillayers, _soilparameters, false);
593  if ( rc_texture)
594  {
595  LOGERROR( "Initialization of porosity of stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, " [site id=",_site->object_id(),"] not successfull due to invalid soil texture info");
596  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
597  }
604  double min_dens( _bulk_density_without_stones);
605  //needed since clay+sand+silt may not add up to 1.0 for litter,peat or other organic soil
606  double const clay_sand_silt( clay+sand+silt);
607  if ( cbm::flt_greater_zero( clay_sand_silt))
608  {
609  min_dens = ( (clay * cbm::DCLA + sand * cbm::DSAN + silt * cbm::DSIL) / clay_sand_silt);
610  }
611  _porosity_without_stones = ldndc::porosity( _c_org_without_stones, _bulk_density_without_stones, min_dens);
612  STRATUM_INFO( "Porosity of stratum ",_nd_stratum+1," not initialized, estimated value (without stones): ", _porosity_without_stones*100.0," [%]");
613  }
615  if ( !cbm::flt_in_range_lu( 0.0, _porosity_without_stones, 1.0))
616  {
617  LOGERROR( "Porosity of stratum ", _nd_stratum+1, " [site id=",_site->object_id(),"] out of range: ", _porosity_without_stones," [m3 m-3]");
618  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
619  }
620  else
621  {
622  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
623  }
624 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ canopy_biomass_distribution()

void ldndc::canopy_biomass_distribution ( size_t const  _fl_cnt_max,
size_t const  _fl_cnt,
double const  _ps,
double const  _h_bottom,
double const  _h_top,
double const *  _h_fl,
double *  _fFol_fl 

Foliage biomass distribution vertically across canopy.

_fl_cnt_maxmaximum number of foliage parameters
_fl_cntcurrent actively used number of foliage parameters
no return value

References estimate_single_layer_biomass().

44 {
45  /* reset */
46  for ( size_t fl = 0; fl < _fl_cnt_max; ++fl)
47  {
48  _fFol_fl[fl] = 0.0;
49  }
51  // total distribution length
52  if ( cbm::flt_greater( _h_top, _h_bottom))
53  {
54  double h_cum_top( 0.0);
55  for ( size_t fl = 0; fl < _fl_cnt; ++fl)
56  {
57  double const h_cum_bottom( h_cum_top);
58  h_cum_top += _h_fl[fl];
61  _ps, _h_bottom, _h_top,
62  _h_fl[fl], _fFol_fl[fl],
63  h_cum_bottom, h_cum_top);
64  }
66  double const fFol_sum( cbm::sum( _fFol_fl, _fl_cnt));
67  if ( cbm::flt_equal_zero( fFol_sum))
68  {
69  for ( size_t fl = 0; fl < _fl_cnt; ++fl)
70  {
71  _fFol_fl[fl] = 1.0 / double( _fl_cnt);
72  }
73  }
74  else
75  {
76  for ( size_t fl = 0; fl < _fl_cnt; ++fl)
77  {
78  _fFol_fl[fl] /= fFol_sum;
79  }
80  }
81  }
82 }
void estimate_single_layer_biomass(double const _ps, double const _h_bottom, double const _h_top, double _lw, double &_fract, double _h_cum_bottom, double _h_cum_top)
Vertical biomass estimation.
Definition: ld_plantfunctions.cpp:1678
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ canopy_lai_distribution()

void ldndc::canopy_lai_distribution ( double  _sla_min,
double  _sla_max,
double  _height_max,
double  _height_min,
double  _mFol,
double const *  _fFol_fl,
double const *  _h_fl,
double *  _lai_fl,
double *  _sla_fl,
size_t  _foliage_layer_cnt,
size_t  _foliage_layer_cnt_max 

Leaf area distribution vertically across the whole canopy.

_sla_minspecific leaf area at canopy top
_sla_maxspecific leaf area at canopy bottom
_height_maxtotal plant height
_height_minplant height at start of canopy
_mFolfoliage biomass
_fFol_flfoliage biomass distribution
_h_flcanopy discretization
_lai_flcanopy layer leaf area index
_sla_flcanopy layer specific leaf are
_foliage_layer_cntnumber of canopy layers
_foliage_layer_cnt_maxmaximum number of canopy layers
no return value
101 {
102  /* reset canopy */
103  for ( size_t fl = 0; fl < _foliage_layer_cnt_max; ++fl)
104  {
105  _sla_fl[fl] = 0.0;
106  _lai_fl[fl] = 0.0;
107  }
109  double const crown_length( _height_max - _height_min);
110  if ( cbm::flt_greater_zero( crown_length))
111  {
112  double const delta_sla( cbm::bound_min( 0.0, _sla_max - _sla_min));
114  /* cumulative height of total plant */
115  double h_cum_total_top( 0.0);
116  double h_cum_crown_bottom( 0.0);
117  for (size_t fl = 0; fl < _foliage_layer_cnt; ++fl)
118  {
119  h_cum_total_top += _h_fl[fl];
121  /* sla and lai are greater zero only within canopy */
122  if ( cbm::flt_greater( h_cum_total_top, _height_min))
123  {
124  double const h_cum_crown_top( cbm::bound_max( h_cum_total_top - _height_min, crown_length));
125  double const h_cum_crown( 0.5 * (h_cum_crown_bottom + h_cum_crown_top));
127  _sla_fl[fl] = _sla_max - (delta_sla * h_cum_crown / crown_length);
128  _lai_fl[fl] = _sla_fl[fl] * _mFol * _fFol_fl[fl];
130  h_cum_crown_bottom = h_cum_crown_top;
131  }
132  }
133  }
134 }

◆ cation_exchange_capacity()

double LDNDC_API ldndc::cation_exchange_capacity ( double  _clay,
double  _sand,
double  _som,
double  _ph,
ecosystem_type_e  _ecosystem 

Detailed description provided here .

_clayClay content [%]
_sandSand content [%]
_somSoil organic matter content [%]
_phpH value [-]
_ecosystemEcosystem type [-]
Cation exchange capacity [mol:g-1:1e-5]

Referenced by ldndc::SoilChemistryMeTrX::MeTrX_clay_nh4_equilibrium().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crown_shape_parameter()

double ldndc::crown_shape_parameter ( double  _length,
double  lref,
double  ps 

Returns a crown shape parameter which is modified by canopy length.

modification of crown shape by canopy length

1209 {
1210  // crown/ root profile shape value shifts with crown length/ root profile depth
1211  double ps2(ps);
1212  if (_length <= 1.0)
1213  {
1214  ps2 = 1.0;
1215  }
1216  else if (lref > 1.0)
1217  {
1218  ps2 = cbm::bound_max(1.0 + (ps - 1.0) * (_length - 1.0) / (lref - 1.0), ps);
1219  }
1221  return ps2;
1222 }

◆ d_eff_air_a()

double ldndc::d_eff_air_a ( double const &  _exp,
double const &  _gas_content 

Returns effective diffusion coefficient depending on gas content.

[in]_expExponent [-]
[in]_gas_contentGas content [m^3:m^-3]
Effective diffusion coefficient [-]

Referenced by ldndc::SoilChemistryMeTrX::MeTrX_physics().

18 {
19  return std::pow( _gas_content, _exp);
20 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ d_eff_air_b()

double ldndc::d_eff_air_b ( double const &  _exp_g,
double const &  _exp_p,
double const &  _gas_content,
double const &  _porosity 

Returns effective diffusion coefficient depending on gas content and porosity.

[in]_exp_gExponent for gas content [-]
[in]_exp_pExponent for porosity [-]
[in]_gas_contentGas content [m^3:m^-3]
[in]_porosityPorosity [m^3:m^-3]
Effective diffusion coefficient [-]
31 {
32  return std::pow( _gas_content, _exp_g) / std::pow( _porosity, _exp_p);
33 }

◆ d_eff_air_millington_and_quirk_1961()

double ldndc::d_eff_air_millington_and_quirk_1961 ( double const &  _gas_content,
double const &  _porosity 

Returns effective diffusion coefficient after [57].

[in]_gas_contentGas content [m^3:m^-3]
[in]_porosityPorosity [m^3:m^-3]
Effective diffusion coefficient [-]

Referenced by ldndc::SoilChemistryMeTrX::MeTrX_physics().

42 {
43  return std::pow( _gas_content, 10.0/3.0) / (_porosity * _porosity);
44 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ estimate_single_layer_biomass()

void ldndc::estimate_single_layer_biomass ( double const  _ps,
double const  _h_bottom,
double const  _h_top,
double  _lw,
double &  _fract,
double  _h_cum_bottom,
double  _h_cum_top 

Vertical biomass estimation.

_psform parameter
_h_bottomheight of start of distributed biomass
_h_topheight of end of distributed biomass
No return value

The standard vertical distribution of biomass is done with the same assumptions for canopy (veglibs_canopy) and rooting space (Fine root distribution). Only for root distribution there are several more options available.

Referenced by canopy_biomass_distribution(), and fineroots_biomass_distribution().

1686 {
1687  // calculation proceeds as long as cumulative length is smaller than total crown length
1688  if ( cbm::flt_greater( _h_cum_top, _h_bottom) &&
1689  cbm::flt_less_equal( _h_cum_bottom, _h_top))
1690  {
1691  // distance from the crown start/ soil surface for which the relative biomass shall be estimated
1692  double hAct( 0.0);
1693  double const length( _h_top - _h_bottom);
1695  // if total crown height is within the first canopy layer
1696  if ( cbm::flt_less( _h_top, _lw))
1697  {
1698  hAct = length;
1699  }
1700  // for the partially filled last canopy/ soil layer
1701  else if ( cbm::flt_less_equal( _h_top, _h_cum_top))
1702  {
1703  hAct = length - ( _h_top - _h_cum_bottom) * 0.5;
1704  }
1705  // for the partially filled first canopy/ soil layer
1706  else if ( cbm::flt_less( _h_cum_bottom, _h_bottom))
1707  {
1708  hAct = ( _h_cum_top - _h_bottom) * 0.5;
1709  }
1710  // for fully filled canopy/ soil layers
1711  else
1712  {
1713  hAct = ( _h_cum_bottom - _h_bottom) + (_h_cum_top - _h_cum_bottom) * 0.5;
1714  }
1716  double const relH( cbm::flt_less( length, _lw) ? 1.0 : ((length - hAct) / length));
1718  // relative biomass distribution throughout the canopy/ soil according to Grote 2007
1719  double fH( pow( _ps, 100.0 * hAct / ( cbm::flt_greater( length, 5.0) ? (length * length) : 25.0)));
1721  _fract = relH * fH;
1722  }
1723  else
1724  {
1725  _fract = 0.0;
1726  }
1727 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fineroots_biomass_distribution()

void ldndc::fineroots_biomass_distribution ( size_t  _sl_cnt_litter,
size_t  _sl_cnt_soil,
double  _ps,
double  _rooting_depth,
double *  _f_frt_sl,
double const *  _h_sl 

scaling factor for root distribution (basically to enable root and canopy profile calculations with the same function)

fraction of fine roots in the litter layer

fraction of fine roots in the mineral soil

References estimate_single_layer_biomass().

61 {
62  if ( cbm::flt_greater_zero( _rooting_depth))
63  {
65  double const SCALE( 10.0);
68  double f_litter( 0.0);
70  double litter_depth( 0.0);
71  for ( size_t sl = 0; sl < _sl_cnt_litter; ++sl)
72  {
73  litter_depth += _h_sl[sl];
74  }
76  /* if rooting depth <= litter depth neglect litter layer (new seedlings start in mineral layer)*/
77  if ( cbm::flt_greater( litter_depth, _rooting_depth))
78  {
79  _sl_cnt_litter = 0;
80  f_litter = 0.0;
81  }
82  /* else assume that fine roots are distributed according to litter height relative to soil profile*/
83  else
84  {
85  f_litter = litter_depth / _rooting_depth;
86  }
88  for ( size_t sl = 0; sl < _sl_cnt_litter; ++sl)
89  {
90  _f_frt_sl[sl] = f_litter / (double)_sl_cnt_litter;
91  }
94  double const f_soil( 1.0 - f_litter);
96  double h_cum( 0.0);
97  double f_frt_sum( 0.0);
98  for ( size_t sl = _sl_cnt_litter; sl < _sl_cnt_soil; ++sl)
99  {
100  double const h_cum_old( h_cum);
101  h_cum += _h_sl[sl] * SCALE;
104  _ps, 0.0, SCALE * _rooting_depth,
105  SCALE * _h_sl[sl], _f_frt_sl[sl],
106  h_cum_old, h_cum);
107  f_frt_sum += _f_frt_sl[sl];
108  }
110  for ( size_t sl = _sl_cnt_litter; sl < _sl_cnt_soil; ++sl)
111  {
112  _f_frt_sl[sl] = _f_frt_sl[sl] / f_frt_sum * f_soil;
113  }
114  }
115  else
116  {
117  for ( size_t sl = 0; sl < _sl_cnt_soil; ++sl)
118  {
119  _f_frt_sl[sl] = 0.0;
120  }
121  }
122 }
void estimate_single_layer_biomass(double const _ps, double const _h_bottom, double const _h_top, double _lw, double &_fract, double _h_cum_bottom, double _h_cum_top)
Vertical biomass estimation.
Definition: ld_plantfunctions.cpp:1678
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ forest_floor()

bool ldndc::forest_floor ( size_t  _sl,
soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &  _soillayers,
const ldndc::site::input_class_site_t &  _site 

First floor defined by:

  • litter height
  • ecosystem type

Referenced by assign_soillayer_field_capacity_and_wilting_point(), and assign_soillayer_porosity().

137 {
138  if ( _sl < _soillayers.soil_layers_in_litter_cnt())
139  {
140  if ( (_site.soil_use_history() == ECOSYS_FOREST) ||
141  (_site.soil_use_history() == ECOSYS_FOREST_NATURAL))
142  {
143  return true;
144  }
145  }
147  return false;
148 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass()

double ldndc::get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass ( MoBiLE_Plant *  _p)
Optimum sap wood biomass depending on foliage biomass.

Referenced by get_sapwood_foliage_ratio().

28 {
29  double const sapwood_area_demand( _p->lai_max * _p->qsfa);
30  double optimum_sap_wood( (*_p)->DSAP() * cbm::DM3_IN_M3 * sapwood_area_demand
31  * ( _p->height_at_canopy_start
32  + (_p->rooting_depth / 3.0)
33  + (_p->height_max - _p->height_at_canopy_start) / 3.0));
35  if ( (*_p)->IS_WOOD())
36  {
37  double const total_wood( _p->aboveground_wood() + _p->belowground_wood());
38  return cbm::bound_max( optimum_sap_wood, total_wood);
39  }
40  else
41  {
42  return optimum_sap_wood;
43  }
44 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_sapwood_foliage_ratio()

double ldndc::get_sapwood_foliage_ratio ( MoBiLE_Plant *  _p)
sap wood to foliage ratio

References get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass().

54 {
55  double const biomass_limit( 0.001);
57  if ( !(*_p)->FREEGROWTH() && (_p->nb_ageclasses() > 0) )
58  {
59  size_t na_max( _p->nb_ageclasses() - 1);
60  if ( cbm::flt_greater( _p->mBud + _p->mFol - _p->mFol_na[na_max], biomass_limit))
61  {
62  double const m_sap_opt( get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass(_p));
63  return m_sap_opt / ( _p->mBud + _p->mFol - _p->mFol_na[na_max]);
64  }
65  }
66  else if ( cbm::flt_greater( _p->mFol + _p->mBud, biomass_limit))
67  {
68  double const m_sap_opt( get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass(_p));
69  return m_sap_opt / ( _p->mFol + _p->mBud);
70  }
72  return 0.0;
73 }
double get_optimum_sap_wood_biomass(MoBiLE_Plant *_p)
Definition: ld_sapwoodbiomass.cpp:27
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_voc_emission_factors()

lerr_t ldndc::get_voc_emission_factors ( ldndc::MoBiLE_Plant *  _vt,
int  _fl,
bool  _calc_synthase_activity,
double  _latitude,
int  _yearday,
double  _foliage_temperature,
double  _foliage_radiation 

Daily calculation of voc (isoprene and monoterpenes) synthase activity NOTE that fCO2 depends on outside CO2, internal CO2 would probably be better (explaining relatively high emissions when stomata closed)

141 {
142 // if running subdaily calc activity on last subdaily time step
145 // if ("beginning of simulation and first time that pointers are assigned")
146 // --> assign ef with sef
147 // --> assign ef with iso/monoAct
148 //
149 // else if ( "further within simulation ")
150 // --> assign ef with iso/monoAct
154  if ( !_calc_synthase_activity)
155  {
156  ldndc_use_standard_emission_factors( _vt, _fl);
157  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
158  }
160  else if (( _calc_synthase_activity) && (( ( *_vt)->ALPHA0_IS() + ( *_vt)->ALPHA0_MT()) > 0.0) && ( ( *_vt)->PA() > 0.0))
161  {
162  LOGINFO_ONCE( "Calculation of voc synthase activity instead of standard emission factors");
163  ldndc_calc_voc_synthase_activity( _vt, _fl, _latitude, _yearday, _foliage_temperature, _foliage_radiation);
165  /* factors for conversion from enzyme activity (nmol m-2 (leaf area) s-1) to emission factor (ug component gDW-1 h-1) */
166  double const lsw = cbm::G_IN_KG / _vt->sla_fl[_fl];
167  double const UNIT_CONV = cbm::SEC_IN_HR * cbm::UMOL_IN_NMOL;
169  /* "isoAct_vtfl"/"monoAct_vtfl" [nmol enzyme product m-2 leaf area s-1] activity of isoprene/monterpene synthase to produce isoprene/monoterpenes */
170  _vt->ef_iso_fl[_fl] = _vt->isoAct_fl[_fl] * cbm::MC5H8 * UNIT_CONV / ( lsw * ( *_vt)->SCALE_I());
171  _vt->ef_mono_fl[_fl] = _vt->monoAct_fl[_fl] * cbm::MC10H16 * UNIT_CONV / ( lsw * ( *_vt)->SCALE_M());
174  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
175  }
177  else if (( _calc_synthase_activity) && ((( ( *_vt)->ALPHA0_IS() + ( *_vt)->ALPHA0_MT()) <= 0.0) || ( ( *_vt)->PA() <= 0.0)))
178  {
179  LOGWARN_ONCE( "Dynamic calculation of emission activity not possible",
180  " because species specific paramters ALPHA0_IS + ALPHA0_MT, or PA is equal or less than zero",
181  " [ALPHA0_IS=",( *_vt)->ALPHA0_IS(),",ALPHA0_MT=",( *_vt)->ALPHA0_MT(),",PA=",( *_vt)->PA(),"]",
182  " Thus standard emission factors are used!");
184  ldndc_use_standard_emission_factors( _vt, _fl);
185  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
187  }
189  else
190  {
191  LOGERROR("Wrong configuration of CalcSynthaseActivity, CalcParTempDependence, or species specific parameters...");
192  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
193  }
195 }

◆ non_stomatal_water_limitation()

double ldndc::non_stomatal_water_limitation ( double const &  _var,
double const &  _var_ref,
double const &  _var_scale 

Non stomatal water limitation.

Drought stress scaling factor [0-1]
140 {
141  // water impact on non-stomatal limitations based on Tuzet et al.2003
142  if ( cbm::flt_greater_equal_zero( _var))
143  {
144  return 1.0;
145  }
146  else
147  {
148  return cbm::bound(0.0, (1.0 + std::exp(_var_ref * _var_scale)) / (1.0 + std::exp((_var_ref - _var) * _var_scale)), 1.0);
149  }
150 }

◆ sap_wood_fraction()

double ldndc::sap_wood_fraction ( double  _lai_max,
double  _qsfa,
double  _height_min,
double  _height_max,
double  _depth 

sap_wood_fraction The calculation of the fraction of sapwood in coarse roots is based on the idealized volume fraction and assumes that the stem in the crown as well as the coarse roots are shaped as cones, and that core wood reaches a third of the cone

Calculation is based on the sapwood area demand for foliage. Sapwood volume is assumed to equal a cone within the canopy and across the rooted soil, and a column between the ground and canopy start.

david kraus (created on: may 6, 2014)
22 {
23  /* sapwood area (assumed to be in equilibrium with foliage demand) */
24  double const sapArea( _lai_max * _qsfa);
26  /* estimated aboveground sapwood biomass */
27  double const msap_a( sapArea * _height_min + sapArea/3.0 * (_height_max - _height_min));
29  /* estimated belowground sapwood biomass */
30  double const msap_b( sapArea / 3.0 * _depth);
32  if ( cbm::flt_greater_zero( msap_a + msap_b))
33  {
34  return msap_b / ( msap_a + msap_b);
35  }
37  return 0.0;
38 }

◆ sapwood_foliage_area_ratio()

double ldndc::sapwood_foliage_area_ratio ( double  _height,
double  _qsf_p1,
double  _qsf_p2 
_heightTree height
_qsf_p1species parameter
_qsf_p2species parameter
Ratio of sap wood area to foliage area.
97 {
98  return (_qsf_p1 + _height * _qsf_p2) * cbm::M2_IN_CM2;
99 }

◆ update_litter_height()

lerr_t ldndc::update_litter_height ( soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &  _soillayers,
substate_watercycle_t &  _wc,
substate_soilchemistry_t &  _sc 

Detailed description provided here .

_slSoil layers class
_wcWatercycle state
_scSoilchemistry state
Error code

Referenced by ldndc::SoilChemistryMeTrX::MeTrX_update().

30 {
31  double const raw_litter_above( _sc.c_raw_lit_1_above +
32  _sc.c_raw_lit_2_above +
33  _sc.c_raw_lit_3_above);
35  double h_cum( 0.0);
36  for( size_t sl = 0; sl < _soillayers.soil_layer_cnt(); ++sl)
37  {
38  if ( sl < _soillayers.soil_layers_in_litter_cnt())
39  {
40  if ( cbm::flt_greater_zero( _sc.dens_sl[sl] * _sc.fcorg_sl[sl]) &&
41  cbm::flt_greater_zero( _sc.som_sl[sl]))
42  {
43  double const volume_water( _wc.wc_sl[sl] * _sc.h_sl[sl]);
45  double const mass_soil( _sc.min_sl[sl] + _sc.som_sl[sl] + raw_litter_above / _soillayers.soil_layers_in_litter_cnt());
46  double const density_soil( cbm::DM3_IN_M3 * _sc.dens_sl[sl]);
48  // soil organic matter increases --> inc sl-height
49  double const h_new( mass_soil / density_soil);
50  _sc.h_sl[sl] = h_new;
52  double const wc_new( volume_water / _sc.h_sl[sl]);
53  if ( cbm::flt_less_equal( wc_new, _sc.poro_sl[sl]))
54  {
55  _wc.wc_sl[sl] = wc_new;
56  }
57  else
58  {
59  _wc.wc_sl[sl] = _sc.poro_sl[sl];
60  _wc.surface_water += (wc_new - _sc.poro_sl[sl]) * h_new;
61  }
62  }
63  else if ( !cbm::flt_greater_zero( _sc.som_sl[sl]))
64  {
65  _sc.h_sl[sl] = 0.0;
66  _wc.wc_sl[sl] = 0.0;
68  LOGERROR( "Soil litter layer height vanished. Illegal situation!");
69  return LDNDC_ERR_FAIL;
70  }
71  }
73  h_cum += _sc.h_sl[sl];
74  _sc.depth_sl[sl] = h_cum;
75  }
77  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
78 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wood_initialization()

lerr_t ldndc::wood_initialization ( soillayers::input_class_soillayers_t const &  _sl,
MoBiLE_Plant *  _p,
substate_soilchemistry_t &  _sc,
ecosystem_type_e  _ecosystemtype 

Initialization of aboveground and belowground wood debris, derived from existing vegetation.

Referenced by ldndc::SoilChemistryMeTrX::MeTrX_update().

23 {
29  double const add_c_wood( ((_ecosystemtype == ECOSYS_FOREST_NATURAL) ? 0.3 : 0.1) * ( _p->mSap + _p->mCor) * cbm::CCDM);
31  //add 80% aboveground
32  _sc.c_wood += 0.8 * add_c_wood;
33  _sc.n_wood += 0.8 * add_c_wood / cbm::CCDM * _p->ncCor;
35  //add 20% belowground
36  for ( size_t sl = 0; sl < _sl.soil_layer_cnt(); ++sl)
37  {
38  _sc.c_wood_sl[sl] += 0.2 * _p->fFrt_sl[sl] * add_c_wood;
39  _sc.n_wood_sl[sl] += 0.2 * _p->fFrt_sl[sl] * add_c_wood / cbm::CCDM * _p->ncCor;
40  }
42  return LDNDC_ERR_OK;
43 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ module_factories

ldndc::MoBiLE_ModuleFactoryEnvelope const ldndc::module_factories

a list of destructors (because i was to lazy to add a one line file for these base classes..)
module factory array is defined here.

  • steffen klatt,
  • edwin haas,

◆ substate_airchemistry_factory

ldndc::substate_factory_t< substate_airchemistry_t > const ldndc::substate_airchemistry_factory

substate base class implementation, sources factories

edwin haas, steffen klatt (created on: dec 05, 2013)


steffen klatt, edwin haas