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The grassland growth model GrasslandDNDC originates from the DNDC Model ([49]). GrasslandDNDC simulates the carbon and nitrogen cycle of grass species only (no crops). Processes are described in a universal way and plants are primarily distinguished by species-specific parameters that can be accessed and calibrated externally.
GrasslandDNDC can be either run in subdaily or daily time resolution.
The following lists includes species parameters that might be calibrated in order to represent a specific plant. See the description of respective sections for more details on parameter behaviour.
Nitrogen related parameters:
Allocation related parameters:
Plant development related parameters:
Nitrogen uptake
Nitrogen fixation
Root exsudation
Fineroots turnover
water demand
After cutting and grazing events plant development is linearly reduced with nitrogen loss.
\[ DVS(t_{i+1}) = \frac{N(t_{i+1})}{N(t_i)} \cdot DVS(t_i) \]
Plant development is calculated by growing degree days (GDD):
\[ GDD = \sum (T_{avg} - T_{base}) \]
Plant development is given by:
\[ DVS = \frac{GDD}{GDD\_MATURITY} \]