LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0
Microclimate libraries

Incoming longwave radiation

Incoming longwave radiation is given by:

\[ LWR_{in} = \varepsilon \sigma T^4 \; , \]

wherein \( \varepsilon, \sigma, T \) refer to the emissivity, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and air temperature, respectively.

The emissivity \( \varepsilon \) has two components , i.e., emissivity under clear ( \( \varepsilon_{cl} \)) and clouded sky ( \( \varepsilon_{cl} \)):

\[ \varepsilon = (1 - f_{cl}) \varepsilon_{cs} + f_{cl} \varepsilon_{cl} \]

The partitioning coefficient \( f_{cl} \) refers to the cloud fracion. For \( \varepsilon_{cl} \), a constant value of 0.976 is used [27].

Clear sky atmospheric emissivity
Emissivity of incoming longwave radiation under clear sky conditions is calculated based on vapour pressure \( vp \) [8] :

\[ \varepsilon_{cs} = B_c + B_d \sqrt{vp} \]

The parameters \( B_c \) and \( B_d \) are set to 0.53 and 0.212, respectively [71].

Cloudiness is derived from global radiation using the Angstrom formular:

\[ f_{cl} = \frac{\frac{SWR}{SWR^{\ast}} - A}{B} \]

using the Angstrom parameters \( A = 0.29 \) and \( B = 0.52 \) [71].

Meteorological variables


  • Stefan–Boltzmann equation for the power radiated from a black body in terms of its absolute temperature \( T\):

    \[ P = \sigma \cdot T^4 \]

  • Global radiation depending on latitude ...
  • Mean temperature \( \overline{T} \) after Thornton [thornton:1997a:]

    \[ \overline{T} = 0.394 \cdot T_{min} + 0.606 \cdot T_{max} \]

Sun declination

Eccentricity factor for calculation of extraterrestrial radiation ([23])

Daily extraterrestrial radiation as developed by [sellers:1961a] (cit. in [23], and [9]) note: formula of sun declination wrong in [23]

Ratio between diffuse and total solar irradiance after [24]



Daylength period

The daylength is calculated based on latitude and the day of the year according to [46], as:

\[ dayl = 12.0 * \frac{PI + 2.0 * arcsin( sinld_cosld ) }{PI} \]


\[ sinld_cosld = \frac{ -sin( \frac{-PI}{45.0} ) + ( sin( lat_r) * sin( sdec) ) } { cos( lat_r) * cos( sdec) } \]

With sdec beeing sun declination and lat_r latitude in radians:

\[ sdec = 0.4093 * sin( \frac{ 2.0 * PI * jday }{ 365.0 - 1.405 } lat_r = lat * \frac{ PI }{ 180.0 } \]

Saturated vapor pressure according to [35]

When foliage temperature is above 0oC, saturated vapor pressure is calculated as:

\[ svp = 0.61078 * \exp(17.26939 * \frac{T}{T + 237.3}) \]

When foliage temperature is below 0oC, it is:

\[ svp = 0.61078 * \exp(21.87456 * \frac{T}{T + 265.5}) \]

Annual mean temperature

Cloudiness is derived from global radiation using the Angstrom formula:

\[ f_{cl} = \frac{\frac{SWR}{SWR^{\ast}} - A}{B} \]

using the Angstrom parameters \( A = 0.29 \) and \( B = 0.52 \) [71].