LandscapeDNDC  1.36.0

User guide

The crop growth model ArableDNDC originates from the DNDC Model ([49]). ArableDNDC simulates the carbon and nitrogen cycle of crops. Processes are described in a universal way and plants are primarily distinguished by species-specific parameters that can be accessed and calibrated externally. Dynamics of plant carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are primarily calculated based on temperature driven crop development and associated N demand and N uptake/fixation.

Model structure

ArableDNDC can be either run in subdaily or daily time resolution.


The following lists includes species parameters that might be calibrated in order to represent a specific plant. See the description of respective sections for more details on parameter behaviour.

Nitrogen related parameters:

  • nc_fruit_max (optimum nitrogen content of the fruit)
  • nc_fruit_min (minimum nitrogen content of the fruit)
  • nc_fineroots_max (optimum nitrogen content of fine roots)
  • nc_fineroots_min (minimum nitrogen content of fine roots)
  • nc_structural_tissue_max (optimum nitrogen content of structural tissue)
  • nc_structural_tissue_min (minimum nitrogen content of structural tissue)
  • nc_foliage_max (optimum nitrogen content of foliage)
  • nc_foliage_min (minimum nitrogen content of foliage)

Allocation related parameters:

  • fraction_root (root fraction of total biomass at maturity)
  • fraction_fruit (fruit fraction of total biomass at maturity)
  • fraction_foliage (foliage fraction of total biomass at maturity)

Plant development related parameters:

  • gdd_base_temperature
  • gdd_max_temperature
  • gdd_maturity
  • gdd_grain_filling
  • gdd_flowering


  • h2oref_a (determines drought resistance)

Nitrogen uptake

  • tlimit (minimum temperature required for nitrogen uptake)
  • k_mm_nitrogen_uptake (root affinity to soil nitrogen)

Nitrogen fixation

  • ini_n_fix (fraction of total nitrogen that might be fixed)


  • maintenance_temp_ref (reference temperature for maintenance respiration)
  • mc_root (maintenance respiration coefficient for roots)

Root exsudation

  • doc_resp_ratio (ratio of doc exsudation in relation to root respiration)


  • senescence_drought (coefficient of senescence related to drought)
  • senescence_frost (coefficient of senescence related to frost)
  • senescence_age (coefficient of senescence related to age)

Fineroots turnover

  • tofrtbas

water demand

  • wuecmax (water use efficiency)


  • exp_root_distribution (coefficient for exponential root distribution)
  • height_max (maximum plant height)


Calculates potential transpiration on
a) water use efficiency and carbon uptake: potential_crop_transpiration()


Roots are described by the rooting depth, which grows linearly with GZRTZ (default 1cm/day) up to a maximum value ZRTMC (default 1m) (see Fine root distribution).The distribution of fine roots follows a sigmoid function (see Sigmoid root distribution).

Crop development

Crop development is determined by growing degree days \(GDD\):

\[ DVS = \frac{GDD}{GDD_{max}} \]


Growing degree days are only upgraded for:

\begin{eqnarray*} T &\overset{!}{>}& max \left(0, \Psi_{TLIMIT} \right) \\ GDD &\overset{!}{<}& \Psi_{GDD\_MATURITY} \end{eqnarray*}

Nitrogen demand and crop growth

Carbon assimilation on biomass growth are calculated depending on nitrogen demand and uptake.

Nitrogen Uptake

Crops are able to take up \(NO_3^-\) and \(NH_4^+\).